很多人不敢吃洋蔥,怕那個腥味,但洋蔥是非常好的蔬菜,含有豐富的維他命B6 ,B1,葉酸和維他命C,還可以降低血糖,血壓,和血脂肪。料理上每種作法的洋蔥吃起來都不同,像法式洋蔥湯和洋蔥沙拉吃起來完全不一樣,跟本不會想到都是洋蔥下去料理的。我這道稻草洋蔥圈大概是洋蔥料理裡最不健康的了,用炸的,但是細細的真好吃,洋蔥一磅沒幾塊錢,但去餐廳吃都貴的要命,自己來動手做~
份量: 4 人份
洋蔥,切半,再切絲 2 顆
中筋麵粉 2/3 杯
紅椒粉 1 小匙
紅辣椒粉 1 小匙
鹽 ½ 小匙
黑胡椒粉 ¼ 小匙
花生油 3 杯
鹽 1 大匙
1. 將C材料的油拿一高的湯鍋加熱,最好是油半滿。
2. 拿乾淨的廚房用紙壓一下已切絲的洋蔥,去除多餘的水份。
3. 將B材料在一大盆中拌勻後,將洋蔥絲丟入攪拌一下,讓洋蔥絲充份的裹上麵粉。
4. 用一筷子放入油中試溫度,如果筷子在油中很快的冒汽泡,就是可以炸的溫度了。這個炸洋蔥絲要用稍高溫度的油炸才會香脆好吃。一次大約放一杯份的洋蔥絲進熱油中炸,約炸一兩分鐘,至金黃就可以起鍋了,放到紙上吸掉多餘的油,再灑一些C材料的鹽到熱洋蔥圈上。洋蔥絲起鍋後再放筷子進去測溫度,有冒泡才可以再放下去炸。火候也要稍控制,太大太小都會影響成品的顏色與口感。趁熱吃喔!!
Onion Straws
A Ingredients
Onion, shredded thinly 2 pieces
B Ingredients
All-purpose flour 2/3 cup
Cayenne pepper 1 teaspoon
Paprika 1 teaspoon
Salt ½ teaspoon
Black pepper ¼ teaspoon
C Ingredients
Peanut oil 3 cups
Salt 1 tablespoon
1. Heat the C peanut oil in a tall sauce pan, oil comes to about half the side of the pan.
2. Lightly press kitchen towels onto the shredded onions to absorb extra moisture. This will ensure a crispy crust.
3. Mix B ingredients in a big mixing bowl, add the A onions, toss to coat evenly.
4. Insert a wooden stick into the hot oil to test, if bubbles form next to the wooden stick like a button mushroom, then the temperature is good. These onion straws needs to be cooked in a slightly higher temperature oil to ensure the crispy texture. Add the onion straws one cup at a time, fry for about 1-2 minutes until golden, remove from the oil and place on paper to absorb excess oil, sprinkle the C ingredient salt onto the onion straws while still hot. Insert the wooden stick again to test the temperature of the oil, and repeat the steps. Serve hot.
Serving: 4