

昨天在Costco盯著一堆紐西蘭進口的魚片流口水,雖然很貴還是買回家了,沒吃過這種魚,總得要試試嘛~媽咪說這魚看起來是怎麼做怎麼好吃的,我就切了一點來做鮮魚塔果,fish taco,每次去墨西哥小吃店我一定點來吃,這種食物一定要在小吃店吃,去大餐廳吃就是不好吃,不知道為什麼,大概等食物上桌都冷了吧?! 這東西還是熱的最好吃~


份量: 12



魚片,切小塊           200 (27-28)

鹽與黑胡椒                      適量

花生油                           3  



麵粉                           ½

啤酒                           ½

蛋液                          30

紅椒粉                       ½ 小匙

紅辣椒粉(paprika)     ½ 小匙

                                ½ 小匙

黑胡椒粉                    ½ 小匙



美乃滋                         ½

蕃茄醬                         1 小匙



白玉米捲餅,小號     24

生菜,切細絲                1

蕃茄,切丁                   ½

洋蔥,切小丁               ¼

香菜屑                            2 大匙

罐裝莎莎醬                    2 大匙 

墨西哥酸奶                   ¼



1. A料魚塊雙面灑上鹽與黑胡椒粉,醃約10分鐘。將花生油倒入一鍋中,用中火加熱。注意鍋不可太矮,油倒入大約半滿或是4分滿最好。

2. B料在一盆中拌勻,倒入所有魚塊,輕輕攪動讓魚塊均勻裹上B料。

3. C料在一小碗中拌勻,備用。

4. 用一筷子放入油中試溫度,如果筷子在油中輕輕的冒汽泡,就是可以炸的溫度了。將魚塊一次放3-5 塊進熱油中炸,端看魚塊大小,約炸一兩分鐘,至金黃就可以起鍋了,放到紙上吸掉多餘的油。魚塊起鍋後再放筷子進去測溫度,有冒泡才可以再放魚塊下去炸。火候也要稍控制,太大太小都會影響成品的顏色與口感。

5. D料的白玉米餅稍用微波爐蒸軟一些,要蓋東西不然餅會乾掉。拿兩張皮,抹上C料,抓一些生菜絲,放一塊熱騰騰的炸魚塊,灑一些蕃茄丁,洋蔥丁,香菜屑,在最上面舀約 ½ 小匙的莎莎醬,再淋上墨西哥酸奶,一定要趁熱吃,魚塊還熱騰騰的時候最好吃了。


*如果沒有墨西哥酸奶也可以拿普通酸奶(sour cream)混一點牛奶拌勻,來代替。

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    玉米片雞肉千層派               安吉拉捲


Fish Taco



Fish fillet, cut into chunks      200 g (around 27-28chunks)

Salt&pepper                                   to taste

Peanut oil                                    3 cup 


B Ingredients

Flour                                 ½

Beer                                  ½

Whole eggs                      30

Cayenne pepper                ½ 小匙

Paprika                              ½ 小匙

Salt                                    ½ 小匙

Black pepper, ground        ½ 小匙


C Ingredients

Mayonnaise                  ½ cup

Tomato ketchup            1 teaspoon

D Ingredients

White corn tortilla, small      24 pieces

Onion, chopped                     ¼ cup

Cilantro, chopped                   2 tablespoon

Canned hot salsa                    2 tablespoon

Mexican crema                      ¼ cup



1. Sprinkle enough salt and pepper onto the fish chunks, let sit about 10 minutes.  Meanwhile, heat the peanut oil in a sauce pan with medium heat.  The oil should come up to half of the side of pan. 

2. Pour all B Ingredients into a big mixing bowl, put in all the fish chunks and stir to coat. 

3. Mix C Ingredients in a small bowl. 

4. Insert a wooden stick into the hot oil to test, if bubbles form next to the wooden stick, then the temperature is good.  Add the fish chunks 3-5 pieces at a time, depending on the size of the fish chunk, fry for about 1-2 minutes until golden, remove the fish nuggets onto a plate lined with kitchen towel to absorb the excess oilInsert the wooden stick again to test the temperature of the oil, and repeat the steps.


5. Heat the small white corn tortillas, covered, in a microwave for about 30 seconds. Use two tortillas, spread some C mayonnaise, sprinkle with some shredded lettuce, put one or two fried fish nugget on the lettuce, then add some chopped tomato, onion, and cilantro on top of the fish nugget.  Spoon ½ teaspoon full of salsa onto the center of the taco, drizzle with Mexican crema, serve hot, and serve fast. 


*If you can’t find Mexican crema, mix 2 tablespoon of sour cream and 2 tablespoons of

milk, to substitute.


Serving: 4


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