蘆筍 1 把
冷凍毛豆 2 杯
醃製馬自拉起司辮子 1 條
新鮮萊姆果汁 ¼ 杯
萊姆皮屑 2 小匙
糖 1 小匙
麻油 1 大匙
Tapatio 辣醬 2 小滴
1. 拿一湯鍋燒滾水,放入蘆筍煮約2分鐘後撈出,馬上泡入冰水中降溫,這樣蘆筍才會脆。
2. 用剩下的滾水煮毛豆,煮2-3 分鐘後撈出,泡入冰水。
3. 將撈出瀝乾的蘆筍和毛豆放入一個大碗中,將起司辮子剝成一大塊一大塊,一起放入蘆筍毛豆中,淋上拌勻的B醬,放入冰箱醃製30分鐘後食用。
Bella 五星級廚房相關食譜
Cold Asparagus Salad
A Ingredients
Asparagus 1 bunch
Frozen Edamame 2 cups
Marinated mozzarella braid 1 braid
B Ingredients
Lime juice ¼ cup
Lime zest 2 teaspoon
Sugar 1 teaspoon
Sesame oil 1 tablespoon
Tapatio sauce 2 drops
Salt and pepper to taste
1. Boil water in a medium sauce pan, boil asparagus for 2 minutes, immediately rinse in ice water to cool to preserve the crispness.
2. Use the rest of the boiling water for the edamame beans, cook 2 minutes, then rinse in ice water. Mix all B ingredients in a mixing bowl and blend well.
3. Place the drained asparagus and edamame into a mixing bowl, break the mozzarella cheese braid into big chunks into the mixing bowl, drizzle with B dressing, toss to coast and let sit in frig for 30 minutes before serving.