

雖然離感恩節還有一個半月,但是沒人規定一定要感恩節才可以吃火雞吧?! 今晚我就來做一頓火雞大餐,接下來一個多月都要在台灣,感恩節前不知道回不回得來,所以先吃了再說! 每次吃烤火雞大餐家裡都好香,好有過節的味道,就差個蘋果派了!! 這隻火雞我做了幾樣配菜,蔓越莓飯,奶油菠菜,小紅馬鈴薯泥,美式填料,還有一盤炒青菜,球芽甘藍炒甜豆~



份量: 8 人份



迷迭香,切碎              2 大匙

橘子皮屑                      1 大匙

檸檬皮屑                      1 大匙

蒜頭粉                          1 小匙

洋蔥粉                          1 小匙

                                  1 小匙

黑胡椒粉                      1 小匙

橄欖油                         ¼



火雞(13-15)             1



白酒                             1

麵粉                             ½

橘子果醬                     ½

                                  2 大匙




1. 將火雞的內臟取出,裡外洗乾淨,用廚紙擦乾。

2. A材料拌勻,均勻抹到火雞表皮,用手指梢微在表皮下層抹一點抹料,有助入味。

3. 將火雞置於一烤架上,入預熱325度的烤箱考大約3-3.5小時,烤時每隔一小時拿出來用烤盤底的油刷到火雞皮上,直到溫度計伸進最深層大約180F,出爐後將火雞移到盤中,蓋上鋁箔,靜置30分鐘才食用。

4. 將烤過火雞的烤盤放到爐頭上加熱,沸騰後倒入白酒,一面用刮刀把底部的鍋粑都括起來,酒精蒸發的差不多後,就可以關火,將整個烤盤端起來,將裡面的湯汁全倒進一個加了濾網的碗中,可以梢微濾掉多餘的油。

5. 拿一中型湯鍋加熱 ½ 杯的烤盤湯汁,加入麵粉一起炒香,再徐徐倒入剩下的烤盤湯汁, 一面倒一面攪拌,一直到濃稠,太濃可以加點雞湯稀釋一點,濃稠度可以時,加入橘子果醬,糖,鹽與黑胡椒粉。

脆皮烤火雞 脆皮烤火雞  



蔓越莓飯      DSC06195.Copy.jpg    

                            蔓越莓飯                                                        球芽甘藍炒甜豆

 DSC06167.Copy.jpg     DSC06193.Copy.jpg 

                                奶油菠菜                                                  美式火雞填料 




Crispy Turkey


A Ingredients

Rosemary, chopped     2 tablespoon

Orange zest                  1 tablespoon

Lemon zest                  1 tablespoon

Garlic Powder              1 teaspoon

Onion powder              1 teaspoon

Salt                               1 teaspoon

Black pepper                 1 teaspoon

Olive oil                       ¼ cup


B Ingredients

Turkey (13-15 lbs)            1


C Ingredients

White wine                      1 cup

Flour                               ½ cup

Orange marmalade         ½ cup

Sugar                                2 tablespoon

Salt and pepper to taste



1. Remove the turkey giblets, rinse inside and out, pat dry with kitchen towel.

2. Mix A ingredients all together, rub onto turkey skin, also rub under the breast skin.

3. Place turkey on a roasting pan, bake at a preheated oven 325 degree for 3- 3.5 hours, keep basting the turkey one hour apart while baking.  When it’s done, a thermometer inserted into deepest part of thigh will register 180 degree, remove from oven, cover with foil, let sit 30 minutes before carving. 

4. Meanwhile, place the roasting pan over two burners and heat until boiling, pour the white wine into it to deglaze the pan, cook till alcohol mostly evaporated.  Strain the pan juice through a sieve.  Scoop the extra floating oil on top of the pan juice, optional. 

5. Heat up ½ cup of pan juice in a medium sauce pan until boiling, add the flour and mix till well blended, slowly add the remaining pan juice while stirring until thicken, add enough chicken stock to the desired consistency, add the orange marmalade, sugar, salt and pepper. 



Serving: 8



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