份量: 8 人份
紅籮蔔片罐頭 1 罐
香菇片罐頭 1 罐
滿福堡,切小丁 3 顆
脆麵包丁 6 杯
乾巴西里屑 1 大匙
雞湯(14oz) 1 罐
西洋芹,切小塊 2 根
鼠尾草香料 1 大匙
雞肉香料 ½ 小匙
雞湯粉 1 大匙
奶油,融化 3 大匙
1. 用開罐器打開紅籮蔔片罐頭,用一把小刀進去梢微再將籮蔔切碎一些,連香菇片罐頭一起,連湯帶料一起倒進一個有蓋的可進烤箱的大鍋中,再將切了小丁的滿福堡,乾巴西里屑,和脆麵包丁一併倒入大鍋中。
2. 將B材料丟進果汁機中打勻後,倒入A材料的大鍋中拌勻,蓋上蓋子進預熱350度的烤箱烤45-55分鐘。
American Stuffing
A Ingredients
Sliced carrots, undrain 1 can
Sliced mushroom, undrain 1 can
English muffin, cut cubes 3 pieces
Croutons 6 cups
Dried parsley flakes 1 tablespoon
B Ingredients
Chicken broth (14oz) 1 can
Celery, small pieces 2 ribs
Ground sage 1 tablespoon
Poultry seasoning ½ teaspoon
Chicken boulion powder 1 tablespoon
Butter, melted 3 tablespoon
1. Open the sliced carrot can and inset a small knife to cut some of the bigger pieces smaller. Pour the undrain carrots into a Dutch oven, then pour the un-drain sliced mushroom into the dutch oven, along with the rest of the A ingredients.
2. Blend B Ingredients in a blender, pour into the Dutch oven, mix well with a rubber spatula, place the lid on, and bake at a preheated 350 degree oven for 45-55 minutes.
Serving: 8