份量: 8人份
奶油 3 大匙
洋蔥,切丁 1 顆
蔥花 4 根
培根,切丁 4 根
蒜泥 1 顆
中筋麵粉 ½ 杯
鹽 1 ¼ 小匙
黑胡椒粉 ¼ 小匙
牛奶 3 杯
冷凍菠菜(10oz)解凍,瀝乾 3 包
液態奶油 ¼ 杯
1. 拿一炒鍋加熱奶油,炒香A材料,再加入B材料炒香,緩緩拌入牛奶。
2. 等滾後,慢慢再攪拌個2分鐘到濃綢,再加入冷凍菠菜和液態奶油,再煮個3-5分鐘就可以起鍋了。
Creamed Spinach
A Ingredients
Butter 3 tablespoon
Onion, chopped 1 head
Scallions, chopped 4 pieces
Bacon, chopped 4 slices
Garlic, minced 1 head
B Ingredients
All-purpose flour ½ cup
Salt 1 ¼ teaspoon
Ground black pepper ¼ teaspoon
C Ingredients
Milk 3 cups
Frozen chopped spinach, thawed, drained(16oz) 2 packages
Heavy whipping cream ¼ cup
1. Heat butter in a sauté pan, cook A ingredients until fragrant, then add the B ingredients to blend, after flour melted, slowly add milk while stirring.
2. Cook until the mixture comes to a simmer, stir for around 2 more minutes till thicken, then add the spinach and heavy whipping cream, cook for an additional 3-5 minutes, serve hot.
Serving: 8