



份量: 2 人份



Andouille 香腸,切小塊       2

蘑菇,切片                            2

蒜頭,切小塊                        2 大匙

白酒                                        1

液態奶油                               ¼

巴西里屑                               ¼

意大利香料                           ½ 小匙




紫米                           1


奶油                           1 大匙

                              ½ 小匙


1. 將紫米洗淨加水奶油和鹽丟進電鍋煮熟。

2. 起油鍋加熱,熱後放入香腸塊,炒香,再下蒜頭塊炒香,再加蘑菇片,炒至半軟後加入白酒,差不多蒸發一半後,倒入液態奶油炒勻,加入巴西里屑和意大利香料,蓋上鍋蓋悶一下,起鍋時加上適量鹽與黑胡椒。

3. 盤中盛一些紫米飯,再舀一杓香腸蘑菇,稍稍淋一些湯汁,可以自己再加些蔬菜,照片中是用雙色花椰加雙色籮蔔!!


Food Pix135.jpg 


Bella 五星級廚房相關食譜


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   威尼斯海鮮燉飯            蝴蝶蝦奶油花椒意大利麵



Andouille Mushroom Wild Rice


A Ingredients

Andouille sausage, chunks          2 pieces

Crimini Mushroom, sliced          2 cups

Garlic, sliced                               2 tablespoon

Dry white wine                            1 cup

Heavy whipping cream               ¼ cup

Parsley, minced                           ¼ cup

Pasta seasoning                            ½ teaspoon

Salt and pepper to taste


B Ingredients

Purple rice                1 cup

Water                     2+ cups

Butter                       1 tablespoon

Salt                          ½ teaspoon



1. Wash the purple rice, then cook with the water, butter, and salt, stir constantly until cooked through.

2. Heat up a sauté pan, add the sausage, sauté until fragrant, add the garlic, sauté until fragrant, then add the sliced mushroom, cook until half softened, add the white wine, when it’s about half evaporated, add the heavy whipping cream, parsley and pasta seasoning, stir and put the lid on for a couple of minutes, salt and pepper to taste.

3. Spoon some purple rice onto a plate, add about a cup of the sausage mushroom and some sauce, add some vegetable if desired, there’s broccoli, cauliflower, baby carrots, and yellow carrots in this picture. 


Serving: 2




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