夏天總是會想吃點冰涼的甜品,這個禮拜實在太熱了,連平日足不出戶,不想外出的老人家 Nana,一聽到有冰淇淋聖代,馬上把拖鞋套上要出門了,這樣簡單的甜品,在這家百年老店,一小份要價美金$6 元,近台幣$200元,總覺得貴了,香蕉一根才多少錢啊?! 回家自己做!!! 大大份的,吃個過癮~
--Bella and Nana at Fosselman's Ice Cream, Alhambra, CA
份量: 四人份
香草冰淇淋 8 球
香蕉 4 根
打發鮮奶油 適量
巧克力聖代醬 1 配方
碎花生粒 ¼ 杯
醃櫻桃 4 粒
1. 拿一個漂亮的盤子或碗,舀上兩球香草冰淇淋。
2. 將香蕉剝皮後,橫切成幾半,擺到盤中冰淇淋的旁邊。
3. 淋點巧克力聖代醬,擠上鮮奶油,灑些碎花生粒後再點綴一顆醃櫻桃。
Banana Split Sundae
Last Saturday, I swung by Nana’s house and took her to ice cream at Fosselman’s. We shared a Banana split but I didn’t really have enough. There it is, home made chocolate fudge sauce and as much ice cream as I want. Wish Nana were here to share with me!!!
Vanilla ice cream 8 scoops
Banana 4 pieces
Whipped Cream to taste
Chocolate Sundae Sauce 1 recipe
Peanuts, chopped ¼ cup
Maraschino cherry 4 pieces
1. In the container of choice, scoop a couple scoops of vanilla ice cream.
2. Peel the skin off the Banana, then cut into long wedges to decorate next to the scoop of ice cream.
3. Drizzle with Chocolate sauce, then a dollop of whipped cream, sprinkle some chopped peanuts onto the very top, then finish with a maraschino cherry on top!!
Servng: 4