



份量: 1



酵母粉            1 大匙

                    1 大匙

溫水                   ½


                    2 小匙

溫水                1


高筋麵粉          4

橄欖油              1 大匙

白芝麻              1 大匙



1. A材料放入一量杯中,靜置5分鐘。

2. B材料放入另一量杯中。高筋麵粉過篩,放入一大盆中,在麵粉中間挖個井,倒入A B材料,用手揉至發筋大約12-15分鐘後,再慢慢一點一點的把橄欖油揉進麵團中。蓋上保鮮膜放到一個溫暖的地方鬆弛30分鐘。

3. 預熱烤箱350(175C)。麵團發完後,放到有麵粉的平台上再揉個5分鐘,把所有氣泡揉出,分成12等份,每一等份大約比雞蛋大一些,用桿麵棍揉到大約一公分厚薄,灑一些芝麻輕輕用桿麵棍揉進麵皮中。

4. 放到稍微噴了油的烤盤上,用叉子戳幾個透氣的洞,放進烤箱最底層,烤2-3分鐘,翻面再烤2-3分鐘,烤完將皮塔餅拿出用乾淨的廚房毛巾蓋著,冷了就可以放冰箱或是冷凍庫,食用前可以用烤吐司機烤一下或是用平底鍋加少許油煎一下。


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Bella 五星級廚房相關食譜

  橘子榛果捲麵包 Hazlenut Orange Twist            雀斑奶油小牛角麵包 Freckled Horn Rolls

   橘子榛果捲麵包           雀斑奶油小牛角麵包


Sesame Pita Bread


A Ingredients

Yeast                  1 tablespoon

Sugar                  1 tablespoon

Warm water       ½ cup


B Ingredients

Salt                     2 teaspoon

Warm water       1 cup


C Ingredients

Bread flour       4 cups

Olive oil           1 tablespoon

White sesame    1 tablespoon



1. Place A ingredients in a bowl, let sit 5 minutes.

2. Place B ingredients in another bowl. Sift the bread flour into a large mixing bowl, make a well in the center, pour in A and B ingredients, knead until gluten developed, around 12-15 minutes, slowly knead in the olive oil.  Cover and let rise in a warm place for 30 minutes. 

3. Preheat oven to 350 degree.  Knead the raised dough for another 5 minutes, squeeze out all the air bubbles, divide into 12 equal portions, roll with a rolling pin to about1/8 of an inch thickness, sprinkle with some white sesame, using the rolling pin, lightly press the sesame into the dough.

4. Place dough onto a lightly oiled cookie sheet, prick some holes with a fork, place the baking sheet onto the bottom layer of the oven, bake 2-3 minutes on one side, flip over and bake 2-3 minutes on the other side.  Take out the pita breads and cover with a clean kitchen towel, once completely cool, can be stored airtight in a frig or freezer.  Grill lightly or toaster lightly before serving.


Serving: 1 dozen



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