份量: 2 人份
A 材料
小餐包 6 顆
杏仁片 ½ 杯
奶油 2 大匙
蛋 1 顆
液態奶油 1 小匙
鹽 ¼ 小匙
1. 將B料打勻,放入一淺盤中,另拿一淺盤將杏仁片倒入。
2. 拿一不沾鍋加熱奶油,找小餐包最不好看的一面,輕輕稍沾一些蛋汁,只有表面沾到,再按到杏仁片盤中黏上杏仁片,放到鍋中煎,杏仁片那面先,再煎其它面,拿出時先放一下到廚房用紙上吸油,再擺盤。
3. 可淋一些楓糖漿一起吃,再點綴顆草莓。
奶油香蕉法國吐司 Banana Froster French Toast
Almond French Cubes
A Ingredients
Dinner rolls 6 pieces
Sliced almonds ½ cup
Butter 2 tablespoon
B Ingredients
Eggs 1 pieces
Whipping cream 1 teaspoon
Salt ¼ teaspoon
1. Beat B ingredients in a mixing bowl, then pour into a shallow plate; pour the sliced almonds into another shallow plate.
2. Heat the butter in a non-stick frying pan, on the least presentable side, just one, of the dinner roll, dip very quickly into the egg mixture, just one side, then dip into the sliced almonds, put onto the hot frying pan, almond side down, then rotate to fry the other 5 sides, when done, let absorb oil on a kitten towel before putting onto a plate.
3. Serve with maple syrup and strawberries.
Serving: 2