只不過這次我家老爺把他自己的那杯吃完了,把我才剛吃了兩口的這杯鮮蝦雞尾酒也一起吃掉了,大概是為了彌補當年被我吃掉的那一杯吧!! Pay back time!!! 家中正好沒有玉米脆片,所以就用海鹽脆培果片,絕配~
份量: 4 人份
蝦(約 41-50隻) 1 磅
萊姆果汁 ½ 杯
白洋蔥,切小丁 ½ 杯
香菜屑 ½ 杯
蕃茄醬 ½ 杯
罐裝辣莎莎醬 1-2 大匙
墨國辣醬(Valentina) 1-2 大匙
奶油果 2 顆
C 點綴料
奶油果,切小丁 ½ 杯
香菜 ¼ 杯
萊姆果切片 2 片
1. 煮一鍋滾水,加少許鹽,將未剝殼的蝦下鍋煮大約3-4 分鐘,蝦全變紅了後,馬上撈出泡到冰水中降溫,去殼,去泥腸後放入一小碗中,倒入萊姆果汁一起醃大約一個小時。
2. 將B 材料的洋蔥丁先過水去腥味,奶油果切小丁,和其它B材料一起放入一大碗中,加入適量的鹽與黑胡椒,攪勻,再將蝦連萊姆果汁一起加入拌勻。
3. 將拌好的雞尾酒分裝兩個高腳酒杯,灑上C料點綴,可以跟墨西哥玉米脆片一起吃。
Mexican Shrimp Cocktail
A Ingredients
Shrimp (around 41-50) 1 lb
Lime juice ½ cup
B Ingredients
White Onion, minced ½ cup
Cilantro, minced ½ cup
Ketchup ½ cup
Salsa Picante 1-2 tablespoon
Mexican Hot sauce 1-2 tablespoon
Avocado 2 heads
Salt and pepper to taste
C Ingredients
Avocado, cut into little chunks ½ cup
Cilantro, minced ¼ cup
Lime slices 2 slices
1. Cook the unpeeled shrimp in a pot of salted boiling water, about 3-4 minutes, when the shrimps turn red, drain and rinse in ice water to cool down. Peel and devein(optional) the shrimp, place the peeled shrimps in a mixing bowl with the lime juice, let marinade for 1 hour.
2. Rinse the white onion chunks under water, cut the avocado into small chunks, immediately place all B ingredients in a large mixing bowl, mix well. Toss in the marinated shrimps.
3. Divide shrimp cocktail evenly between two tall martini glasses, decorate with C ingredients, serve cold with tortilla chips or tostada.
Serving: 4