這是美國有名的一道早餐,準備起來輕鬆簡單,有時偷懶就會吃這樣的早餐,早上起來天氣陰陰的,雨要下不下的,人也懶洋洋的,所以就做這種偷懶早餐啦!! 如果有小朋友的話,我就會在旁邊用蕃茄醬畫上眉毛和眼睛鬍子,就是水手啦!!!
份量: 1-2 人份
吐司 3 片
蛋 3 顆
奶油,室溫 2 大匙
1. 將吐司中間用圓形的餅乾模切一個洞,如圖。然後在剩下的麵包上兩面都塗上室溫的奶油,切下來的小圓形麵包也塗一些。
2. 拿一個不沾鍋加熱,稍微刷一點橄欖油,放所有麵包下去,然後把蛋打到中間,可以稍微灑一點鹽在蛋上面,也可以不灑。
3. 煎至金黃後翻面再煎一下,就可以出爐了,配果醬或是蕃茄醬芥末醬都很好吃。
One Eye Sailor
Toast 3 slices
Eggs 3 pieces
Butter, room temp 2 tablespoon
1. Using a round cookie cutter, cut a big hole in the center of the toasts, spread butter on all the bread pieces.
2. Heat a non-stick griddle brushed with olive oil, put all the bread pieces down to grill, then cock an egg into each of the center holes of the bread, sprinkle some salt onto the raw egg, salt’s optional.
3. Grill the bread until golden brown, flip and grill until golden brown again, remove to a plate, serve with jam, mustard, or ketchup.
Serving: 1-2