這個派是感恩節做的,居然到現在才上部落格,看到2010年,也就是去年3月去長毛像湖的文章,突然想到去年8月底去酒園的文章也還沒有寫,唉~大家就多多包涵吧!! 畢竟照照像簡單,要上格子還要嘔心瀝血的打字,是吧?!
說到派嘛,又叫餡餅,每個人有每個人喜歡的口味,像我的好友Raquel 喜歡藍莓奶油派,Patricia喜歡檸檬奶油派,但是幾乎沒有人不喜歡蘋果派的,而這個蘋果派又有很多種不同的吃法,像Nana喜歡在派上面放兩塊巧達起司,加熱融化以後一起吃,有人吃冰的蘋果派加一大匙香草冰淇淋,有人加鮮奶油,總知吃法花樣繁多,我還是最忠實於原味,一個好的蘋果派不需要配其它東西,簡單的好味道!
份量: 8 人份
中筋麵粉,過篩 350 克
鹽 1 小撮
無鹽奶油,室溫 85 克
豬油,室溫 85 克
冰水 6 大匙
小綠蘋果,去皮核,切片 750-1000 克
紅糖 115 克
肉桂粉 1 小匙
眾香子粉 1 小匙
豆蔻粉 1 小匙
蛋,稍打過 1 顆
牛奶 1 大匙
1. 除了冰水外,將A料放入一盆中,用一枝叉子或是酥皮切刀攪拌均勻,到麵團像一粒粒的軟糖,沒有太大塊的麵團,再加冰水,用手揉成一麵團,保鮮膜包起來放冰箱30分鐘。
2. 將麵團從冰箱拿出來,分出 1/3,將剩下的 2/3 桿成一個 23 cm 的派皮,然後放入一個9 inch 的派盤子裡,切掉多餘的邊邊,再把切掉的邊邊揉進剩下的麵團裡。
3. 將B料全部攪到一起,倒入派盤中,如果蘋果太乾,可以再加一大匙水。
4. 把剩下的麵團桿成一塊皮, 用刷子刷一點水到派皮的邊緣上,再將桿好的皮黏上去,然後把邊邊切掉,用手指頭輕壓邊緣到有型狀為止。可將剩下的麵團揉成一片,切出自己想要的圖形,圖中我用的是葉子形的,稍微刷一點蛋水然後把葉子黏上去。
5. 將C料攪拌一下,用刷子刷到派皮上,然後用小刀在最中央畫幾個小縫,讓蒸氣有出口,將派放到一個烤盤上。
6. 用425 度F,或是 220 度C,烤20 分鐘,然後降溫到350/180,再烤30分鐘,直到金黃。可以趁熱吃,也可以冰凍過後食用,可以配鮮奶油一起。
Thanksgiving Apple Pie
A Ingredients
All-purpose flour, sifted 350 g
Salt 1 pinch
Unsalted butter, room temp 85 g
Lard, room temp 85 g
Ice Water 6 tablespoon
B Ingredients
Granny Smith Apples, peeled and cored, sliced 750-1000 g
Brown sugar 115 g
Ground cinnamon 1 teaspoon
Ground allspice 1 teaspoon
Ground cardamom 1 teaspoon
C Ingredients
Egg, lightly beaten 1 piece
Milk 1 tablespoon
1. Reserve the ice water, put the rest of the A ingredients into a mixing bowl, using a fork or a pastry cutter to cut the fat into the flour mixture, until the mixture resembled bread crumbs, add the ice water, form a dough ball, wrap with plastic wrap and chill in a refrigerator for 30 minutes.
2. Take the dough out of the frig, divide by 3, use two dough to roll out the bottom pie crust, then place onto a 9 inch pie plate, trim the excess crust, add the excess into the rest of the dough.
3. Add B ingredients into a big mixing bowl, stir to blend, carefully not to break the apple slices, add a tablespoon full of water if the apples are too dry.
4. Beat C ingredients in a bowl. Roll out the rest of the dough, brush the rims of the bottom crust with egg wash, then carefully place the top crust on, trim the edges, can add finger ruffles if desired. Roll out the rest of the trimmed pie dough and cut out cute shapes, place onto the pie with a little bit of egg wash.
5., Brush the whole pie crust with the C egg wash. Cut a few slits on the pie crust to let out steam, then put the whole pie plate onto a cookie sheet.
6. Bake at 425°F for 20 minutes, then lower the temperature to 350°F, bake an additional 30 minutes, until golden brown, can be served hot or cold with some whipped cream.
Serving: 8