




奶油,融化               5 大匙

全麥餅乾屑           1 ½

杏仁片條               ½



鍊奶(14oz)                  1

萊姆果汁                 ½

萊姆果皮屑             1 小匙

蛋黃                           2



蛋白                           2

塔塔粉                      ¼ 小匙

白砂糖                      ¼       

萊姆果皮屑             1 小匙



1. 預熱烤箱 350F。將杏仁片條放入食物處理機中攪碎,加入全麥餅乾屑一起打勻,徐徐倒入奶油,餅乾糊看起來會是一粒粒狀的,壓入一個9吋的派模中,放入烤箱考8分鐘,出爐後冷卻半個小時,烤箱火不要關。

2. B料拌勻在一個大碗中,倒到冷卻了的派皮上,進烤箱烤10分鐘。

3. C材料的蛋白和塔塔粉打至硬性發泡,徐徐加入白砂糖和萊姆皮屑,將蛋白糊倒到萊姆派上,用小刀抹勻後,再進烤箱烤10分鐘,或是到蛋白變金黃色。

奶香萊姆果派 奶香萊姆果派  

Bella 五星級廚房相關食譜


   傳統蘋果派 Traditional Apple Pie       馬卡龍餅乾水果塔

       傳統蘋果派             馬卡龍餅乾水果塔



Creamy Key Lime Pie


A Ingredients

Slivered almonds            ½ cup

Graham crackers              1 package

Butter, melted                  5 tablespoon


B Ingredients

Condensed milk(14oz)      1 can

Lime juice                        ½ cup

Lime zest                           1 teaspoon

Egg yolk                            2


C Ingredients

Egg whites             2

Cream of tartar     ¼ teaspoon

Sugar                    ¼ cup

Lime zest               1 teaspoon



1. Preheat oven to 350 degree.  Place slivered almonds in a food processor, process until fine, then add the graham cracker, process until fine, slowly add the butter, pause the processer until the mixture resemble coarse crumbs, press the mixture into a 9 inch pie pan, bake for 8 minutes, cool 30 minutes, maintain the oven temperature.

2. Mix B ingredients in a mixing bowl, pour on top of the cooled pie crust, bake at 350 for 10 minutes.

3. Beat the egg whites and cream of tartar till stiff peak, slowly add the sugar and lime zest while beating, scoop the whole egg white meringue onto the pie, using a small knives, give the meringue a little definition, put the pie in the oven for  10 minutes, until the meringue is golden brown. 


Serving: 6




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