花花綠綠的蛋捲真漂亮,最近天氣熱到水龍頭出來的水都是燙手的,為了洗這些向日葵豆芽,我還用冰塊先將水溫降低,真辛苦耶,不過做出來的成品真漂亮,自己給自己拍拍手吧,尤其這種天的廚房,跟本不是人待的地方,我家的小貓妮妮,都熱掛了在地上,冷氣一打開,馬上到她的固定老位置四腳朝天著吹冷氣 ~
份量: 2 人份
蛋 4 顆
液態奶油 1 大匙
鹽 1 小匙
罐裝紅椒,切小丁 ¼ 杯
小青豆,解凍 ½ 杯
向日葵豆芽 1 杯
無花果,切四份 2 顆
油醋沙拉醬 2 大匙
蝦,煮熟去殼 8 隻
紫色無花果 1 顆
火腿 4 片
牙籤 4 隻
1. 將A材料全部倒入一大碗中打勻,加熱少許油在一小型平底不沾鍋內,倒入蛋液,用筷子將先熟的部份攪到中間,未熟的蛋汁攪到下面,整體要梢微攪平一些,當蛋液不太會動了,就轉小火蓋上鍋蓋悶個3分鐘。等熟了後剷出切長條。
2. 將紫色無花果切四半,包一塊火腿用牙籤捲起來,拿兩個玻璃碗,先放向日葵豆芽,無花果瓣,蝦,蛋捲條,灑上自己最喜愛的沙拉醬,再放上火腿無花果點綴。
豪華馬玲薯沙拉 Confetti Potato Salad
Sunflower Sprouts Omelet Salad
A Ingredients
Eggs 4 pieces
Whipping cream 1 tablespoon
Salt 1 teaspoon
Roasted red pepper cans, cut chunks ¼ cup
Sweet peas, thawed ¼ cup
B Ingredients
Sunflower Sprouts 1 cup
Figs, quartered 2 pieces
Store bought salad dressing 2 tablespoon
C Ingredients
Shrimps, cooked and peeled 8 pieces
Figs, quartered 1 piece
Ham 4 slices
Toothpicks 4 pieces
1. Stir all A ingredients into a mixing bowl and blend well, heat a little bit of oil in a small non-stick frying pan, pour in the egg mixture, using a spatula, maneuver the cooked egg on top of the uncooked, repeat till the center is almost set, then turn the heat down to minimal, put the lid on to fully cook the egg, about 3 minutes. Then scoop out the omelet, and cut into long chunks.
2. Wrap the C ingredients figs with ham and secure with a toothpicks, in two separate glass bowls, place some sunflower sprouts, quartered figs, shrimps, omelet chunks, drizzle with salad dressing, then decorate with Ham wrapped figs.
Servings; 2