

沒事去好市多買了一大袋的馬玲薯,吃不完就絞盡腦汁想辦法把這些巨無霸馬玲薯消掉,懶得出去買菜,冰箱裡有什麼就用吧! 這樣的晚餐秀色可餐,配一杯不甜的乾白酒,可以吃出馬玲薯沙拉的美味!!  壞處就是當正餐吃很快就餓了,晚上又要找點心吃了!!


份量: 2 人份



馬玲薯,去皮切大丁    2 大顆

小紅蘿蔔,切小丁        1

葡萄乾                            1

熱水                                ½



美奶滋                  1 大匙

液態奶油              2 大匙

白砂糖                  2 小匙




生菜                            3

黑橄欖,切片            ¼

洋蔥,切絲                ¼

奶油果,切塊            ½

黃色甜椒,切丁        ½

市售沙拉醋*              ¼


D 裝飾料

黑橄欖                           6

沙拉米意式臘腸火腿   6

牙籤                               6




1. 將葡萄乾泡入半杯的熱水裡,泡大約20分鐘,葡萄乾吸水會膨漲。


2. 拿一中型湯鍋煮滾水,放入切了大丁的馬玲薯塊,煮約10分鐘,直到筷子伸進去可以把馬玲薯塊輕易的夾成兩半,將水倒掉,用叉子攪成泥後,馬上放入切小塊的紅蘿蔔,用馬玲薯的餘溫燙熟小塊的紅蘿蔔,再將泡水的葡萄乾連水一起倒入馬玲薯泥中,加入B料,拌勻,放入冰箱降溫備用。


3. C材料在一大碗中拌勻,鋪到盤中,拿一個大的冰淇淋杓挖一大球馬玲薯沙拉擺到生菜上,可以再稍微加一點沙拉醋醬在生菜上。


4. 將黑橄欖用火腿裹上,穿一根牙籤固定,擺在沙拉上裝飾。



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Bella 五星級廚房相關食譜

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 聖塔菲雞絲沙拉      向日葵蛋捲沙拉     青醬蝴蝶豆沙拉


Confetti Potato Salad


A Ingredients

Potato, skin peeled, cut into chunks      2 pieces

Baby carrots, cut into small pieces        1 cup

Raisins                                                    1 cup

Hot water                                                ½ cup


B Ingredients

Mayonnaise                1 tablespoon

Whipping cream         2 tablespoon

Sugar                          2 teaspoon

Salt and pepper to taste


C Ingredients

Lettuce mix                                3 cups

Kalamata olive, sliced               ¼ cup

Onion, shredded                        ¼ cup

Avocado, cut into chunks          ½ cup

Yellow bell pepper, chopped     ½ cup

Store bough salad dressing*       ¼ cup


D Ingredients

Kalamata olive         6 pieces

Dry salami                6 slices

Toothpicks                6 pieces




1. Soak raisins in hot water for 20 minutes, raisins will absorb the water.


2. Boil water in a medium sauce pan, put in the potato chunks to boil, about 10 minutes, until a fork can easily insert into any potato chunks, drain the water, mash the chunks with a potato masher, immediately stir in the baby carrot pieces, this is to cook the carrots a lit, and to lower the temperature of the mashed potato.  Pour the raisins and its soaking water into the mashed potato, along with B ingredients, blend well, place in a frig to keep cool.  


3. Toss C ingredients in a mixing bowl, then place onto two plates, using a big ice cream scooper, scoop a big ball of potato salad onto the center of the platter, then drizzle a little extra bit of salad dressing if desired.


4. Wrap the kalamata olives in salami then secure with a tooth pick, use to decorate the salad.  


*Salad dressing should not be too sweet, or it will affect the flavor of the potato salad.  


Servings: 2

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