我很喜歡吃巧克力牛角,記得以前和老爺去Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf時會點一個,還幫我烤熱了送過來,一口咬下去,脆脆的牛角麵包和入口即溶的香甜巧克力,真是一口天堂似的人間美味。可惜我每次都覺得裡面的巧克力放的太少了,有一天我在好市多買了一排可頌麵包,靈機一動,就拿起巧克力豆塞,再烤,出來吃到用搶的,好,以後再也不用去咖啡店吃貴死人的巧克力可頌了,自己做,巧克力愛放多少,就放多少!!
份量: 2 人份
牛角可頌麵包 2 顆
半甜巧克力豆 ½ 杯
1. 預熱烤箱 375°F。
2. 將牛角麵包的雙角各橫切一刀,再在後面也橫切一刀,都不要切斷的口袋狀。
3. 在口袋中塞滿巧克力豆,也可以在牛角麵包上也放幾顆,烤出來會有點脆脆的!!
4. 將塞好的可頌放到烤盤上,進烤箱烤約6-8分鐘,直到巧克力融化,趁熱吃。
Chocolate Croissant
Many places sell these chocolate croissants, but none of them stuff enough chocolate into the croissants. So here I am today, making my own chocolate croissants, and these babies are fully stuffed!!!
Croissants 2 pieces
Semi-sweet chocolate morsels ½ cup
1. Preheat oven to 375°F.
2. Slice the croissants twice in front, once in the back to make 3 pockets. Don’t cut all the way through.
3. Stuff the pockets with chocolate morsels; place a few on top of the croissant for decoration.
4. Place the stuffed croissant onto a baking sheet, bake in the oven for 6-8 minutes, until chocolate melted, serve hot and crispy!!
Serving: 2