禮拜六的早上發現廚房有許多麵包尾,就是像邊邊啦,沒吃完的麵包塊,通通切塊丟進一個烤盤中,倒蛋奶汁下去烤,出來也是一道可口的早餐喔!! 沒人知道那是剩下的麵包!!!
份量: 6 人份
麵包丁 6 杯
葡萄乾 1 杯
蛋 5 顆
蛋黃 2 顆
蜂蜜 1/3 杯
橘子皮屑 2 小匙
液態奶油 1 ¼ 杯
牛奶 1 ¼ 杯
香草精 1 ½ 小匙
鹽 ½ 小匙
1. 預熱烤箱350°F。將所有B材料打勻,備用。
2. 拿一深烤盤,噴點噴霧油防沾,倒一半的麵包丁鋪底,再將葡萄乾均勻鋪在麵包丁上,再將另一半的麵包丁蓋到葡萄乾上,這樣烤時葡萄乾就不會變焦黑。
3. 將 B料倒入麵包丁中,室溫放15分鐘,讓麵包丁吸飽蛋汁,再進烤箱烤50分鐘,可以加些炒香的核桃,再倒些焦糖或是巧克力醬一起趁熱吃。
Breakfast Bread Pudding
A Ingredients
Bread cubes 6 cups
Raisins 1 cup
B Ingredients
Eggs 5
Egg yolk 2
Honey 1/3 cup
Orange zest 2 teaspoon
Whipping cream 1 ¼ cup
Milk 1 ¼ cup
Vanilla extract 1 ½ teaspoon
Salt ½ teaspoon
1. Preheat oven to 350°F,beat all B ingredients together in a mixing bowl.
2. Using a deep baking dish, spray with cooking spray, place half of the bread cubes on the bottom, then sprinkle the raisins on top, then put in the rest of the bread cubes.
3. Pour B sauce into the baking dish, let sit at room temp for 15 minutes, then bake for 50 minutes, serve hot with some sweet caramel or chocolate sauce with toasted walnuts.
Serving: 6