一直覺得荷蘭醬沒味道,不好吃,但今天做的荷蘭醬味道真好,酸酸的真夠味,明天早餐再來做!!! 每次吃到班乃迪克蛋堡就會想起剛認識我家老爺時,去旅行第一次吃到便愛上這道早餐蛋料理,沒有沙拉米也可以用其它火腿類代替,自己在家裡做一點都不麻煩喔!!!
份量: 2 人份
英式馬芬堡 2 顆
蛋 4 顆
沙拉米片 8 片
白酒醋 1 小匙
蛋黃 1 顆
檸檬汁 1 ½ 小匙
奶油,溶化 ¼ 杯
液態奶油 ¼ 杯
紅辣椒粉 1 小撮
1. 隔水加熱B材料的蛋黃和檸檬汁,一面加熱一面用打蛋器一直打到顏色變淺,蛋黃的質地便濃稠,抽出打蛋器可以畫個8字就可以關火了,一面打一面徐徐加入奶油和液態奶油,不能加太快不然會分家,全部打勻後的質地是濃濃的,撒上紅辣椒粉,鹽與黑胡椒粉。
2. 另拿一淺鍋煮滾水,加入白酒醋,水滾後打蛋下去,煮到蛋中間還有一點生,就可以撈出了。
3. 將英式馬芬堡分開成上下,用烤吐司機烤一下,擺盤,放上沙拉米片,擺一個煮好的蛋,倒上荷蘭醬,灑些黑胡椒粉上去就完成啦!!!
Eggs Benedict
A Ingredients
English Muffin 2 pieces
Eggs 4 heads
Salami slices 8 slices
White wine vinegar 1 teaspoon
B Ingredients
Egg yolk 1 piece
Lemon juice 1 ½ teaspoon
Butter, melted ¼ cup
Heavy whipping cream ¼ cup
Cayenne peper pinch
Salt and pepper to taste
1. Put the B ingredient egg yolk and lemon juice in a double boiler, heating and beating with a whisk until the egg yolk is thickened and draws a ribbon when pulled. Remove from heat, add the butter and heavy whipping cream in a slow stream while beating with a whisk, sprinkle with cayenne pepper, salt and pepper.
2. Boil water in a shallow pan; add the white wine vinegar, add the eggs and cook until it’s runny inside, soft on the outside, remove from water, drain.
3. Split and English muffins and toast in toaster, place on a plate, put the salami slices on, then the eggs, pour some Hollandaise sauce on top, sprinkle with black pepper, serve hot.
Serving: 2