份量: 4 人份
芒果 1 顆
糖 ¼ 杯
冰塊 2 杯
芒果糖漿 ½ 杯
萊姆果片 4 片
穌打水 4 杯
1. 將芒果去皮切丁,全部倒入果汁機中,加入糖,攪泥,完後用篩子篩芒果泥。
2. 在杯子裡放大約2大匙的芒果泥,2 大匙的芒果糖漿,1/4 杯的冰塊,擠一塊萊姆片的汁,擠完後可將擠完的萊姆片一起放入杯中,再倒滿穌打水。
Bella 五星級廚房相關食譜
Mango Italian Soda
A Ingredients
Mango 1 head
Sugar ¼ cup
B Ingredients
Ice 2 cups
Mango Syrup ½ cup
Lime wedges 4
Club soda 4 cups
1. Peel the mango, cut the flesh into chunks, puree in a blender with sugar. Sift the puree through a sieve to get rid of tough parts.
2. Pour around 2 tablespoon full of mango puree into a glass, add 2 tablespoon of mango syrup, ¼ cup of ice, squeeze a wedge of lime and add it into the soda, fill the glass with club soda.
Serving: 4