

我發覺如果家裡有剩一點一點的東西時我就會特別有創意,最討厭剩菜了,又不想浪費,奶奶以前常說,鋤禾日當午,汗滴禾下土,誰知盤中飧,粒粒皆辛苦!! 來警告頑皮搗蛋的孩子們不要浪費食物,直到今天我還是會吃完碗裡所有的飯。今天做了這個蛋堡,一面想著如果奶奶還在,一定會這麼告訴我!


份量: 4 人份



小餐包                     4

火腿                         4

三明治牙籤             4




牛奶                         2 大匙

                            ½ 小匙

黑胡椒                    ¼ 小匙

香檳巧達起司絲    ¼

橄欖油                     1 大匙



美乃滋                         2 大匙

白酒醋                        ¼ 小匙

                                ¼ 小匙

黑胡椒粉                    ¼ 小匙

日本七味粉                 1 小搓

紅椒粉                         1 小搓

蒜頭粉                         1 小搓

                                 1 小搓




        1.  將C料全部放入一小碗中拌勻,備用。

        2.  將蛋加牛奶,鹽,和黑胡椒粉打勻,起一小型不沾油鍋加熱橄欖油,油熱後倒入蛋汁,鍋邊緣的蛋會先熟,用筷子把熟的蛋攪到鍋中間,重覆這個步奏直到所有的蛋都都9分熟了,再將香檳巧達起司灑到蛋上面,關火,鍋子不動繼續用餘熱悶到蛋全熟為止。稍放涼後移至盤中,用大小剛好的比斯吉圈圈切出一塊塊的厚厚的蛋排來,最少要能切四塊。

        3.  將小餐包內塗上C料,擺一塊蛋排,再把火腿摺疊,蓋上餐包後,用牙籤固定。


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Mini Breakfast Sliders


A Ingredients

Mini burger buns             4 pieces

Ham                                 4 slices

Sandwich toothpicks        4 sticks


B Ingredients

Eggs                                6 pieces

Buttermilk                       2 tablespoon

Salt                                 ½ teaspoon

Black Pepper                  ¼ teaspoon

Champagne Cheddar     ¼ cup

Olive oil                          1 tablespoon


C Ingredients

Mayonnaise                     2 tablespoon

White wine vinegar        ¼ teaspoon

Sugar                              ¼ teaspoon

Ground black pepper      ¼ teaspoon

Japanese Chili Powder     1 pinch

Cayenne pepper                1 pinch

Garlic powder                   1 pinch

Salt                                    1 pinch




  1. Mix C ingredients well in a small bowl.
  2. Beat eggs, salt, and black pepper in a mixing bowl until blended, heat olive oil in a small non-stick frying pan, pour the egg mixture into the pan when hot, use a non-stick spatula to stir the outside, cooked egg into the center, and let more raw egg juice flow to the bottom, when all the eggs are about 90 % done, sprinkle champagne cheddar cheese onto the hot eggs and turn off the fire, let the remaining heat cook the egg slowly.  Wait a few minutes to cool down a bit, then transfer the whole egg steak to a plate.  Use a biscuit cutter, but out 4 little egg rounds.
  3. Spread the C sauce onto the mini burger buns, top with a egg round, a folded slice of ham, replace the top bun, then secure with a toothpick. 


Servings: 4



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