

這個食譜材料看起來很多很複雜,但其實不會,做起來也很快,大家不要被嚇到了。酸豆通常不是放在這精典意大利食譜裡,但我發覺酸豆跟這醬非常速配,所以就一起吃啦!! 另外液態奶油也是我自己加進去的,我喜歡奶香,也可以蓋掉一部份檸檬的苦酸味兒。這創意檸檬醬清清香香,配上美味的炸雞排,真的會讓人一口接一口停不下來的。自己在家裡,就可以做出美味香雞排,外面買的,天知道裡頭加了多少髒東西,那油,也絕對不會是橄欖油的!!!


份量: 4 人份



雞排                             4




中筋麵粉                    ½

                                ½ 小匙

黑胡椒粉                    ¼ 小匙



                                ½ 大匙



麵包屑                         1

橄欖油                         1 大匙



無鹽奶油,室溫                  2 大匙

檸檬汁                                2/3

白酒                                       1

酸豆                                       1 大匙

榨過汁的檸檬                      2 (四瓣)

白砂糖                                  2 大匙

                                          1 小匙

黑胡椒粉                             ½ 小匙



無鹽奶油                              2 大匙

液態奶油                              ¼

新鮮巴西里屑                       2 大匙         



1. 預熱烤箱400°F。將雞排放入兩張烤盤紙中打一下,讓較厚的部份均勻一下,灑上適量的鹽與黑胡椒粉。

2. B材料拌勻,放到一淺盤中。將C材料打勻,也放入淺盤中。將麵包屑也放入另一淺盤中。

3. D材料的橄欖油在一平底油鍋中加熱。將雞排兩面沾粉,再放入蛋汁的淺盤中沾蛋汁,再放入麵包屑的淺盤中沾麵包屑,放入熱油鍋中兩面都煎至金黃,再放到一淺烤盤中,進烤箱烤5-10分鐘。

4. E材料在一湯鍋中加熱,小火濃縮到一半後,關火,加入F材料的無鹽奶油和液態奶油拌均勻,就可以倒少許在盤中,放一塊雞排在上面,再灑一點巴西里屑,可以配些意大利麵吃。



照燒豬排     奶油香蒜烤鮭魚 Buttery Garlic Salmon  

         照燒豬排               奶油香蒜烤鮭魚


Chicken Piccata


Many of you might have noticed the ingredients aren’t classic.  I added capers and cream to the sauce, but hey, it works.  Give it a try.  If you can’t handle too much lemon juice, then you can reduce the amount to ½ cup of lemon juice.  All the ingredients are just stuff we usually have ready in the refrigerator, so easy to make.  Enjoy. 


A Ingredients

Chicken cutlet              4 pieces

Salt and pepper               to taste


B Ingredients

All purpose flour             ½ cup

Salt                                  ½ teaspoon

Ground black pepper       ½ teaspoon


C Ingredients

Egg                           1 piece

Water                       1 ½ teaspoon


D Ingredients

Breadcrumbs                 1 cup

Olive oil                         1 tablespoon


E Ingredients

Unsalted butter                  2 tablespoon

Lemon juice                      2/3 cup

White wine                         1 cup

Capers                                1 tablespoon

Juiced lemon wedges         4 pieces

Sugar                                  1 teaspoon

Ground black pepper       ½ teaspoon


F Ingredients

Unsalted butter                 2 tablespoon

Heavy whipping cream    ¼ cup

Minced parsley                 2 tablespoon



1. Preheat oven to 400°F. Place the thinly sliced chicken in between two pieces of parchment paper, beat the thicker parts with a meat hammer or rolling pin, so the chicken cooks evenly later.  Sprinkle with salt and pepper.

2. Mix B, C, D, ingredients separately, place in 3 different shallow dishes to make a dipping station.

3. Heat up the olive oil in a skillet.  Dip both the chicken into the flour, then into the egg wash, then into the breadcrumbs, place into the hot skillet to cook till golden brown n both sides, then place on a foil lined baking sheet, bake in the oven for 5-10 minutes.

4. Place the E Ingredients into a small sauce pan, cook until reduced to half and thicken, remove from heat, add the unsalted butter and heavy whipping cream, pour about ¼ cup onto the bottom of the plate, place a chicken steak onto the sauce, sprinkle with some minced parsley, serve with some angel hair pasta.  


Serving: 4


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