情人節甜甜蜜蜜的,就做一個可以你濃我濃,一起吃的情人蜜糖吐司吧!! 麵包上酸酸的檸檬醬,配上香甜的香草冰淇淋,加上去超市買到的巨無霸草莓,是用來裹巧克力的,我拿來做蜜糖吐司也很棒的,明天再來弄巧克力!! 這個蜜糖吐司被我玩了太久,都有點化了!!!
份量: 2 人份
吐司 1條
奶油,融化 2 大匙
白砂糖 1 大匙
檸檬皮屑 3 顆份
白砂糖 1 ½ 杯
奶油,室溫 ½ 杯
蛋 4 顆
檸檬汁 ½ 杯
雪花鹽 1/8 小匙
香草冰淇淋 3 大球
草莓 2 顆
覆盆子莓 ½ 杯
奇異果 3 顆
覆盆子莓果醬 2 大匙
甜心餅乾 2 塊
1. 將B材料的檸檬皮屑和白砂糖放入一個食物處理機裡打勻。另拿一個盆打B奶油,再慢慢加入檸檬糖一起打勻,再把蛋一顆一顆慢慢打進檸檬奶油中,再加檸檬汁和鹽一起打勻。再隔水加熱到濃綢,要不斷攪拌,大約10分鐘,快滾了就行了,不用煮到沸騰,放涼備用。
2. 預熱烤箱350度,將吐司找一個邊邊先切開,不要切斷,然後從上面每一邊再切一刀,然後把裡面的麵包挖出來,切大丁,跟融化的奶油拌一下,下熱油鍋裡煎一下,翻面煎另一邊直到每一邊都酥脆金黃,起鍋後趁熱灑A材料的白砂糖。
3. 將麵包盒子放到烤盤上進烤箱烤6-8 分鐘,不要烤太硬。
4. 出爐後將麵包丁放回麵包盒子裡,淋上檸檬醬,再舀上3大球香草冰淇淋,再點綴所有的水果料,將覆盆子莓果醬加點水加熱一下,就變成醬汁可以淋在蜜糖吐司上,最後再點綴甜心餅乾。
Valentine Honey Toast
A Ingredients
Toast 1 loaf
Butter, melted 2 tablespoon
Sugar 1 tablespoon
B Ingredients
Lemon Zest 3 lemons
Sugar 1½ cup
Butter, room temp ½ cup
Eggs 4 pieces
Lemon Juice ½ cup
Kosher Salt 1/8 teaspoon
C Ingredients
Vanilla ice cream 3 scoop
Strawberries 2 pieces
Raspberries ½ cup
Kiwi 3 pieces
Raspberry jam 2 tablespoon
Sweetheart cookies 2 pieces
1. Pulse the B ingredient lemon zest and sugar in a food processor. Then cream the butter and gradually add the lemon sugar to blend. Beat in the eggs one at a time, then beat in the lemon juice and salt. Using a double broiler to heat up the lemon curd, stir constantly, around 10 minutes, until almost broiling, remove from heat, let cool.
2. Preheat oven to 350, slice the bottom layer of the bread like shown on the picture, do not cut it through, then cut the four sides from the top, dig out the bread cubes to make a box. Then cut the cubes into smaller cubes, drizzle with melted A butter, toss to coat, grill on a hot griddle until golden brown, then sprinkle with A sugar.
3. Put the empty bread box into the oven, bake for 6-8 minutes until slightly harden, not too much.
4. Put the grilled bread cubes back into the empty cavity of the bread box, pipe some lemon curd onto the cubes, put 3 scoops of vanilla ice cream on top, then decorate with fruits. Heat up the raspberry jam, add a bit of water if it’s too thick, then drizzle the raspberry sauce onto the honey toast, then decorate with Sweetheart Cookies.
Serving: 2