年節桌上總是有好多零食,記得小時候最期待的就是到奶奶家過年桌上的糖果零嘴,顏色繽紛,種類繁多,唉,美好的小時候! 現在自己過年,也來烤些堅果類放桌上讓來拜年的客人吃的嘴巴香甜滋滋!! 年終大掃除冰箱裡有許多大包小包,一點兩點的剩餘堅果,乾果,可以通通丟下去做這道美味烤堅果,明年又可以開始買新鮮的堅果了!!
份量: 4 杯
紅糖 ¼ 杯
肉桂粉 ¼ 小匙
紅椒粉 ¼ 小匙
蛋白 1 顆
腰果 1 杯
夏威夷豆 1 杯
杏仁 1 杯
核果 1 杯
綠豆先生 ¼ 杯
蔓越莓乾 ¼ 杯
1. 將A材料拌勻在一個碗中,備用。
2. 預熱烤箱300°F。將蛋白打發成泡沫,到拿起會有緞帶狀就可以了。將C材料除了蔓越莓乾外通通倒入蛋白中拌勻,倒入備用的A材料拌勻。
3. 均勻的將所有果子平鋪在一平烤盤上,進烤箱烤10分鐘,將烤盤拿出,用小刮刀將果子翻動一下,再進烤箱烤8-10分鐘,出爐後馬上拌入蔓越莓乾,等放涼後再倒入密封罐子中保存。
Bella 五星級廚房相關食譜
Baked Spiced Nuts
A Ingredients
Brown sugar ¼ cup
Ground cinnamon ¼ teaspoon
Ground cayenne pepper ¼ teaspoon
B Ingredients
Egg white 1 piece
C Ingredients
Cashews 1 cup
Macadamia nuts 1 cup
Almonds 1 cup
Pecan halfs 1 cup
Roasted green peas ¼ cup
Dried cranberries ¼ cup
1. Mix all A Ingredients in a bowl, set aside.
2. Preheat oven to 300°F. Beat egg white until soft peak. Reserve the dried cranberries, put all the nuts into the egg white, stir to coat, then sprinkle with the reserved A ingredients, stir to coat again.
3. Spread all the nuts onto a baking sheet evenly, bake in the oven for 10 minutes, take the baking sheet out, stir and flip the nuts, then put the baking sheet back into the oven for 8-10 minutes. Stir in the dried cranberries while the nuts are still hot, then cool completely before store in air-tight containers.
Serving: 4 cups