



份量: 9 x2



中筋麵粉           300

泡打粉                  ½ 小匙

                           1 小匙

肉桂粉                   1 小匙

肉豆蔻                   ½ 小匙

丁香粉                   ½ 小匙

糖粉                     100

奶油,稍退冰        8 大匙





1. 將所有A材料,除了奶油和蛋以外過篩進一個大盆中,用手或是酥皮切刀將奶油切進粉料中,直到所有材料看起來像麵包粉一樣,打蛋進去,用手和勻成一個圓型的麵團,分割成兩等份,馬上用桿麵棍桿開成2個大約9-10吋的麵皮,在派盤中塗一些奶油,再將桿好的麵皮鋪上去,接著把邊邊多餘的皮切掉,用手指頭在派皮邊緣揉出荷葉邊,蓋上保鮮膜進冰箱30分鐘。



南瓜(4)          1

                           ½ 小匙

肉桂粉                   1 小匙

肉豆蔻                   ½ 小匙

丁香粉                   ½ 小匙

鍊乳                    1 ¾

香草精                   ½ 小匙

粗糖                        1 大匙



中筋麵粉                 2 大匙

粗糖                         4 大匙

肉桂粉                     1 小匙

奶油,不退冰         2 大匙

核果,切小塊       55

核桃,切小塊       55



1. 將南瓜切半,籽和粗粗的絲都挖掉,放到烤盤上,面朝下進烤箱,375°F/190°C 烤約 90分鐘。出爐後放涼,再將南瓜肉挖出來放到食物處理機或是果汁機內攪成泥,再放到一網子上,讓多餘水份能滴出來,我的這個南瓜滴了不少汁。

2. 將所有其它B材料,加上南瓜泥, 一起拌勻,倒入先前準備好的派皮中,若烤箱溫度不勻可以用鋁箔紙包住下方,和派的邊緣,防止派邊緣烤黑的太快,425°F/220°C 15分鐘。

3. 同時開始準備C材料,除了堅果類其它全部倒入一盆中用手抹勻,再加入堅果類,當派烤了15分鐘後灑到派上面,將烤箱溫度降至350°F/180°C再烤20分鐘。

Food Pix23.jpg Food Pix24.jpg Food Pix25.jpg Food Pix26.jpg Food Pix27.jpg  

Bella 五星級廚房相關食譜

 DSC06059.Copy.jpg   奶香萊姆果派

    新鮮桃子塔         奶香萊姆果派


Creamy Pumpkin Pie


A Ingredients

All purpose flour     300 g

Baking power          ½ teaspoon

Salt                               1 teaspoon

Ground cinnamon         1 teaspoon

Ground nutmeg         ½ teaspoon

Ground cloves            ½ teaspoon

Powdered sugar       100 g

Butter, not so chilled         8 tablespoon

Eggs                                2 heads



1. Sift all A ingredients, except butter and egg, into a mixing bowl, then add the butter, cut with a pastry cutter or hands until it resembled breadcrumbs, then add the egg into the batter to form a soft dough, cut the dough into two equal portions, then roll each into a 9 in. round and place on buttered pie plates, cut off the excess dough, using your fingertip to make decorative borders, cover with plastic wrap, chill in refrigerator for 30 minutes. 


B Ingredients

Pumpkin, around 4 lbs      1 head

Salt                                   ½ teaspoon

Ground cinnamon              1 teaspoon

Ground nutmeg                  ½ teaspoon

Ground Cloves                  ½ teaspoon

Condensed milk             1 ¾ cups

Vanilla extract                   ½ teaspoon

Raw sugar                          1 tablespoon


C Ingredients

All purpose flour            2 tablesoon

Raw sugar                       4 tablespoon

Cinnamon                        1 teaspoon

Butter, chilled                  2 tablespoon

Pecans, chopped             55 g

Walnuts, chopped           55 g



1. Cut pumpkin in half, scoop out the seeds and stringy parts, place onto a baking sheet, face down, bake at 375°F/190°C for about 90 minutes, let cool before scooping out the pumpkin meat and puree in a food processor, let sit on a sift net to squeeze out the excess juice.

2. Mix the pumpkin puree and the rest of B Ingredients in a bowl, pour into a prepared shells, cover the rim with a pie baking rim or foil, 425°F/220°C for 15 minutes. 

3. Meanwhile, prepare the C ingredients, put all C ingredients, except the nuts into a mixing bowl, rub the butter into flour, then mix in the nuts.  After the pies has been baking for 15 minutes, place the C mixture onto the pie, lower the oven temperature to 350°F/180°C and bake an additional 20 minutes. 


Serving: 9 in. x 2



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