
雞蛋布里歐  Egg Brioche  

今天這個麵包讓我有回到從前的感覺,自從買了麵包機後,就很少親手揉麵了,今天不知發什麼瘋,決定用手揉,雖然辛苦,但是手揉出來得麵包就是多了那一點什麼的,也說不上來,就是比較好吃! 這個麵包裡有很多蛋,所以成品是金黃色的漂亮吐司,軟軟綿綿的有湯種的感覺,過程簡單挺適合新手的!!!

我第一台麵包機是在一個專門讓人賣二手東西的網站上,看到我家附近有一個太太要賣掉她的麵包機,她只要賣美金$5元,告訴了我一個故事,這台看起來老式的麵包機是她年輕時,爸爸送的禮物,可惜生了小孩沒時間玩了,要我替她好好珍惜,她說她當年做麵包時,香味在街口都聞的到喔! 我抱了這台麵包機回家,當晚就做了一個布里歐麵包吃,我家的街口,一定也聞的到香味喔!!


份量: 半條



溫水              1/3

酵母粉         2 ¼ 小匙

雞蛋                 2

蛋黃                 2  

奶油                ½



中筋麵粉     2 ½

                     3 大匙

                    ½ 小匙



1. 拿一小碗將溫水和酵母粉混合,靜置五分鐘後加入雞蛋,蛋黃和奶油。

2. 另拿一大碗,放入B材料,在粉的中間撥開一個洞,倒入混合後的A材料。

3. 用手拌勻麵團後放到流理台上,備些手粉,揉到發筋,放回原來的大碗中,蓋上保鮮膜,放到溫暖的地方鬆弛一個小時。

4. 麵團拿出再用手揉到平滑,分成三份,滾圓,放入半條吐司模中,放到一個溫暖的地方再鬆弛30分鐘,放入預熱375F(190C)的烤箱考21-23分鐘,或到竹籤插入麵包中央出來不帶麵糊。


雞蛋布里歐  Egg Brioche 雞蛋布里歐  Egg Brioche




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蜂蜜白脫牛奶小麵包       皇家夏威夷麵包



Egg Brioche


A Ingredients

Lukewarm water      1/3 cup

Yeast                        2 ¼ teaspoon

Eggs                             2 head

Egg yolk                       2 pieces

Butter                          ½ cup


B Ingredients

All purpose flour         2 ½ cup

Sugar                               3 tablespoon

Salt                                 ½ teaspoon



1. Mix lukewarm water and yeast in a small bowl, let sit 5 minutes, then add the eggs, egg yolks, and butter.

2. Put B ingredients in a big mixing bowl, make a well in the center, add the blended A ingredients, knead with hand in bowl, then remove to a lightly floured surface, keep knead until smooth with gluten, place the dough back into the mixing bowl, cover with plastic wrap, let rise in a warm place for 1 hour.

3. Put the dough back onto the lightly floured surface, knead until smooth, then divide into three equal portions, put into a loaf pan, cover with plastic wrap again let rise in a warm place for another 30 minutes.

4. Bake at a preheated oven, 375 degrees for 21-23 minutes, or until toothpick inserted into center comes out clean. 



Serving: 1 loaf


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