



份量: 1



洋蔥,切小丁         1

奶油                         2 大匙



溫水                           2/3

溫牛奶                       2/3

酵母粉                      2 ¼ 小匙



芥末粉                         1 小匙

Manchego起司絲    1 ½

高筋麵粉,過篩          4




Manchego起司絲   ½

奶油                         2 大匙



1. 拿一炒鍋加熱奶油,把洋蔥炒到半透明,放涼備用。

2. B材料依序放入麵包機內鍋,靜置五分鐘。

3. 再依序放入C材料,將內鍋放入麵包機中,選發麵程式。

4. 拿一個10x4的麵包模,刷點油,發麵程式完成後,將麵團倒出再用手揉5分鐘,把所有的氣泡通通擠出麵團中,分成20等份。

5.用手將小球壓扁,捲起來放入麵包模中,底層10棵小球上再刷些D材料的奶油,再放另外10顆小球上去,輕輕蓋上保鮮膜再發酵30分鐘,拿出來後在表層刷奶油,灑上D材料的起司絲,灑些黑胡椒,在預熱375度的烤箱內烤 32-35 分鐘,用一隻筷子伸進去,如果出來時沒有夾帶任何麵糊,就可以出爐了。

6. 放涼半小時候再切片。


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Bella 五星級廚房相關食譜


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皇家夏威夷麵包           海鹽椰奶湯種麵包


Cheese Onion Loaf


A Ingredients

Onion, chopped               1 head

Butter                              2 tablespoon


B Ingredients

Warm water(110-120)       2/3 cup

Warm milk   (110-120)      2/3 cup

Instant yeast                      2 ¼ teaspoon


C Ingredients

Mustard powder                          1 teaspoon

Manchego cheese, shredded   1 ½ cup

Bread flour, sifted                       4 cups

Salt and pepper to taste         


D Ingredients

Manchego cheese, shredded    ½ cup

Butter                                        2 tablespoon


1. Heat up A ingredient butter, sauté onion until almost translucent.

2. Place all B ingredient accordingly into the bread machine mold, let sit 5 minutes.

3. Put all C ingredient accordingly into the bread machine mold, select dough cycle.

4. Butter a 10x4 bread pan, after the dough cycle is complete, place the dough onto a lightly floured surface, knead for 5 minutes, separate into 20 portions. 

5. Flatten each portion with the palm of hand, then roll up into a ball, repeat for all 20 portions.  Place 10 balls into the bottom of the bread pan, brush with D ingredient butter, then place another 10 balls on top, cover with plastic wrap and let rise again for 30 minutes.

6. Preheat oven to 375, brush the top of the dough with butter and sprinkle with D cheese and some ground black pepper, bake for 32-35 minutes, or until a stick insert comes out clean.  Let cool for 30 minutes before slicing. 


Serving: 1 loaf


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