份量: 4-6 片
雞蛋 4 個
香草卡士達 ¾ 杯
白砂糖 100 克
白脫牛奶 160 ml
香草精 1 小匙
鹽 ⅛ 小匙
低筋麵粉 160 克
糯米粉 20 克
太白粉(生粉) 20 克
啤酒 ¼ 杯
椰子油 40 克
1. 將A材料依順序量入一大盆中打勻,再篩入B材料一起打勻。
2. 加入啤酒將麵糊打鬆,最後再打入椰子油。
3. 用保鮮膜包覆,放入冰箱中冷藏半個小時以上。
4. 將雞蛋仔模分開,上鍋下鍋各自在一爐頭上加熱,用刷子刷點油到下鍋模子上,倒入約3/4杯的麵糊,立刻將上鍋蓋上,反轉過來稍微轉一下,讓麵糊能夠均勻覆蓋,繼續煎約2分鐘,再將鍋反過來在煎1-2分鐘至雞蛋仔金黃為止。
5. 將雞蛋仔倒扣到一個空心架上放涼1-2分鐘,趁熱吃!!
香草卡士達醬 Vanilla Custard
分量: 1 杯
蛋 3 個
白砂糖 30 克
牛奶 200 cc
太白粉(生粉) 1 小匙
低筋麵粉 1 小匙
香草糊 ½ 小匙
香草精 ½ 小匙
奶油 10 克
1. 將A材料量入一個大玻璃碗中,隔水加熱,用打蛋器時常攪拌,一直到濃稠為止,大約要4-7分鐘,離火。
2. 拌入B材料,稍涼候用保鮮膜覆蓋,要蓋在卡士達醬的上面,避免表面有皮產生,放入冰箱冷藏2小時。
Bubble Waffles
I know it’s been a while but I’m back now. This is where I belong...
A Ingredients
Egg 4 pieces
Vanilla custard ¾ cup
Sugar 100 g
Buttermilk 160 cc
Vanilla extract 1 teaspoon
Salt ⅛ teaspoon
B Ingredients
Cake flour 160 g
Sweet rice flour 20 g
Potato starch 20 g
C Ingredients
Beer ¼ cup
Coconut oil 40 g
1. Measure all A ingredients into a mixing bowl according to recipe order, beat slightly before sifting B ingredients in, mix well but do not over mix.
2. Add beer to lighten the batter, then beat in the coconut oil.
3. Cover with plastic wrap, refrigerate for at least 30 minutes.
4. Seperate the egg waffle molds onto two stove tops to preheat, bruch lightly with vegetable oil, when it’s hot enough, pour around ¾ cup batter onto the bottom mold, rotate to cover the whole area, top with the top mold, invert immediately, rotate slowly to coat. Keep cooking for about 2 more minute or until the waffles are golden brown or crispy.
5. Invert the waffles onto a wired rack to cool 1-2 minutes, serve while hot!
Serving: 4-6
Vanilla Custard
A Ingredients
Eggs 3 pieces
Sugar 30 g
Milk 200 cc
Potato starch 1 teaspoon
Cake flour 1 teaspoon
B Ingredients
Vanilla paste ½ teaspoon
Vanilla extract ½ teaspoon
Butter 10 g
1. Measure all A ingredients into a big glass bowl, heat over a water bath, beat constantly until thicken, around 4-7 minutes or longer, remove from heat.
2. Mix in B ingredients, let cool slightly and cover with plastic wrap. Remember to lay the plastic wrap directly on top of the custard. Refrigerate 2 hours.
Serving: 1 cup