呵呵! 笑話歸笑話…這個年糕,我做了很多次,每一次都軟軟QQ的,在家自己動手也可以免掉吃到不乾淨東西的機會,在各國食品安全一度受到質疑的波浪聲中,我們安分的市井小民,在家本分的吃健康年糕,不蹈食品危機的渾水!! 祝大家新年快樂,發大財!!
糯米粉 400 克
澄麵粉 135 克
片糖 3 片
椰奶 1 罐
水 1 ½ 杯
油 ¼ 杯
甘栗(切碎) 1 包
1. 將A材料量好篩入一大盆中。
2. 將B材料全量入一小湯鍋中,加熱至片糖完全溶化,放涼。
3. 將B材料倒入A材料的大盆中,拌勻至無顆粒,在過篩一次確定粉漿中無顆粒。
4. 加入C材料拌勻,倒入抹了油的模子中,輕叩模子讓氣泡消失!!
5. 放竹蒸籠大火蒸約45 分鐘,端看容器大小,可以身一根牙籤進去年糕中測試看有沒有熟,抽出時有帶粉漿就是還沒熟。稍涼五分鐘後,用刀在邊緣畫一圈,將年糕倒扣在盤中,放全涼再包上保鮮膜冷藏,由於年糕中無防腐劑,很容易長霉,要放冰箱。
Chestnut Year Cake
A Ingredients
Sweet rice flour 400 g
Wheat starch 135 g
B Ingredients
Brown sugar 180 g
Coconut milk 1 can (480 ml)
C Ingredients
Vegetable oil ¼ cup
Chestnut,chopped 1 package
1. Measure and soft all A ingredients into a big mixing bowl.
2. Measure all B ingredients into a small soup pot, heat while stirring until all sugar dissolves, remove from heat and let col.
3. Pour the cool B ingredients into the big mixing bowl with A ingredients. Stir until all powder dissolves into liquid. Sift the batter again to avoid lumps.
4. Add the C ingredients and mix well. Pour the batter into an oiled 8x2 inch cake mold. Tap the cake mold on the counter to tap out the air bubbles.
5. Steam with the lid on for about 30-45 minutes depending on the container used. Let cool 15 minutes before inverting the year cake onto a plate to cool completely. Store in frig for about a week.
Serving: 8