上個月為了做夢幻城堡蛋糕,做了四個九吋的練習蛋糕,這麼多蛋糕要怎麼辦呢? 後來我就想出了好辦法,把整個蛋糕連糖霜一起用叉子絞碎了,捏成蛋糕球,就做成了這個棒棒蛋糕球,因為有這奶油糖霜,所以蛋糕不澀,好吃,所有的聖誕派對,我都帶個兩打赴會,一下子就沒了!! 夢幻城堡藝術蛋糕的影片中,小朋友們就是在吃這棒棒蛋糕球,媽媽問要不要牛奶喝呢!! 還有朋友帶這到北加去參加派對,朋友的朋友,還在臉書上謝謝我呢!! 好感動!! 好玩的是那天我正好也上中加,去朋友媽媽家學做墨西哥的玉米粽,也是帶這蛋糕球和義大利脆餅,所以那天,我的棒棒蛋糕球在加州五號公路上走了好幾百英里呢。這名字也是我自己發明的,因為沒有棒子,反過來叫吧,Popcakes!!!
分量: 32 顆
步驟 I – 烤蛋糕
白油 55 克
白砂糖 240 克
蛋 2 顆
覆盆子莓果醬 ½ 杯
麵粉 220 克
泡打粉 1大匙
鹽 ¾ 小匙
牛奶 110 克
1. 預熱烤箱 350°F/180°C。將A材料的白油和白砂糖打發到像蛋糕上鮮奶油的質地,在加蛋下去打,剛開始會有點濕濕的,但打一陣子之後,就會變回像鮮奶油一樣的質地,分兩次打入覆盆子莓果醬。
2. 將B材料量好篩入一盆中。
3. 分三次各別加入粉料和牛奶,以粉料為最後一個加入的,攪拌到沒看到粉粒就好,不要過度攪拌。
4. 將麵糊倒入一個抹了油的9吋的蛋糕模中,進烤箱烤約25分鐘,直到竹籤插入中心出來不帶麵糊就可以了。蛋糕出爐後,馬上將蛋糕反扣出來到一個大盆中,用手或是叉子將蛋糕弄碎,弄成蛋糕屑後在盆裡放全涼。
步驟 II –打香草奶油糖霜
水 40 克
白砂糖 125 克
蛋白 1 顆
鹽 1 小搓
無鹽奶油,切丁 115 克( ½ 杯)
香草精 ½ 小匙
1. 將A材料量入一小湯鍋煮到238-242°F(114°C-116°C),這要煮蠻久的,溫度要看好,不可過高,不然就得重煮。
2. 煮糖的時候,將B材料量入攪拌機的腳半缸中,打到濕性發泡,就是打到有一點高度,不是水水一攤在缸底,就可以關機了,等糖煮好了,在進行下一步。
3. 糖煮好後,要徐徐加入蛋白中,將絞拌機開中高速,很慢很慢的徐徐加入煮好的糖漿,加完後,開高速打10分鐘,到溫度降下來。
4. 打完後用手摸摸鋼盆,要是還很燙手,就把整個鋼盆放冰箱幾分鐘降溫,在進行下一步,如果手摸鋼盆是微溫,就可以一面中高速打,一面加入一塊塊的奶油,要一塊一塊的加,不可一次全加下去,等奶油慢慢加完了,轉高速打到像蛋糕上鮮奶油的質地,別懷疑,一定可以的,要打一下下。
5. 最後再加入香草精拌勻,就是做好的奶油糖霜了!
步驟 III – 蛋糕加糖霜
步驟 IV – 組合棒棒蛋糕球
特殊工具: 小糖果塑膠模型
糖果巧克力磚,白色 (Candy melt) 180 克
白油 8 克
紅色膠狀色素 適量
1. 將糖果巧克力磚切碎,隔水和白油和色素一起加熱到融化,攪拌勻後,倒入小糖果模型中。
2. 馬上從冰箱內拿出冰過的蛋糕球,在每個小糖果上壓一球。
3. 將模型整個放入冰箱,冰30 分鐘。
步驟 IV – 組合棒棒蛋糕球
糖果巧克力磚,巧克力色 (Candy melt) 240 克
白油 10 克
1. 將糖果巧克力磚切碎,隔水和白油一起加熱到融化,攪拌勻後,備用
2. 將糖果模型從冰箱中拿出,稍稍在桌面上敲一下,就很容易把蛋糕球取出。
3. 用手拿著蛋糕球底部,將蛋糕球放到巧克力裡面轉一圈,甩掉多餘的巧克力,倒過來放涼,趁熱這時可以在頂部做裝飾。重覆做完所有蛋糕球。
Sweetheart Popcakes
This recipe is just like the cake pops in the stores, minus the sticks. So I made up a new name for it, Popcakes!!!
So far I’ve made this recipe of popcakes for quite a few occasions and it’s been great so far. I can make a peppermint cake with white/red candy melt for Christmas, or a pink and chocolate one for Valentine’s Day. Not to mention it tastes so much better than the ones from Starbucks. Seriously, it’s tasty!!! You’ve gotta try it!!
Step I – Baking the cake
A Ingredients
Shortening 55 g
Sugar 240 g
Eggs 2 heads
Raspberry preserve ½ cup
B Ingredients
Flour 220 g
Baking powder 1 tablespoon
Salt ¾ teaspoon
C Ingredients
Milk 110 g
1. Beat the shortening and sugar with a mixer until incorporated. Add the egg, one at a time until fluffy. Then stir in the raspberry preserve.
2. Measure all B ingredients into a bowl and sift. Preheat oven to 350°F/180°C
3. Add the flour and milk alternately into the batter, finish with flour. Do not overmix.
4. Pour the batter into an oiled 9 inch cake mold, bake in the oven for 25 minutes or until a toothpick inserted into center comes out clean. Invert the cake into a big mixing bowl, break the cake with a fork. Let the cake crumbs cool in the mixing bowl.
Step II – Making Buttercream Icing
A Ingredients
Water 40 g
Sugar 125 g
B Ingredients
Egg white 1 head
Salt 1 pinch
C Ingredients
Unsalted butter, cubed ½ cup (115g)
Vanilla extract ½ teaspoon
1. Measure all A ingredients into a small pot, cook on medium heat until the sugar measures 238-242°F(114°C-116°C)
2. While the sugar cooks, beat the B ingredients in a stand mixer until foamy. Turn the mixer off to wait for the sugar to cook.
3. After the sugar reaches 238-242°F(114°C-116°C), turn the mixer back on, medium high, add the sugar in a small stream into the egg white. After adding all the sugar, beat for an additional 8-10 minutes to reduce temperature.
4. Feel the mixing bowl to see if the sugar mixture is still hot. If it’s warm to the touch, then it’s safe to proceed. Turn the mixer on medium high, add butter one cube at a time. Add the next cube only when the previous cube is fully incorporated into the batter. Beat the icing for 3-5 minutes until smooth.
5. Beat in the vanilla extract. Scoop out the icing into a bowl, set aside.
Steps III – Combine Cake and Frosting
Combine the cooled cake crumbs and buttercream frosting with a fork. Try not to use the food processor or mixer because it breaks the cakes too fine. Scoop the cake mix with a cookie dipper or with a spoon, about two tablespoon full, then roll into a ball by hand. Let set in the frig while melting candy melts.
Steps IV – Assembly Popcakes
Special equipment: Peanut butter cup plastic candy mold (Wilton)
Candy melt, white 180 g
Shortening 5 g
Red food coloring, gel to taste
1. Chop the candy melt into small pieces, put in a glass bowl with shortening, double boil until melted. Add enough red food coloring to make a desired color pink. Then scoop a small amount into each slot of the peanut butter cup candy mold, about 2/3 full.
2. Top one cake ball onto each slot right from the frig.
3. Place the whole mold to set in the frig, 30 minutes.
Steps V – Coating Popcakes
Candy melt, chocolate color 240 g
Shortening 10 g
1. Chop the candy melt into small pieces, put in a glass bowl with shortening, double boil until melted.
2. Remove the popcakes from the frig. Wriggle the plastic mold so the popcakes are easily removed from the mold.
3. Hold the base of the popcakes, dip the cake part into the melted candy melt, swirl to coat, shake off excess candy melt, invert and put it on a surface to dry. Sprinkle the top of the popcakes before the candy coating dries. Repeat to finish all popcakes.
Serving: 32 pieces