第一次做這個餅乾,沒經驗,玩太久了,麵團超黏手的,當時有個通水管的師傅在家裡通水管,看到我做這個餅乾,很佩服,我不動聲色,他根本沒看到我的餅皮都黏住了,後來只有兩三個有型狀,其它全是一灘灘的餅糊,超級難看,但是放涼後勉強吃了一口,味道還真不錯,所以銷路還是不錯,後來這個餅乾,我做過幾百次之後,越做越好,尤其是用一台Viking的全新漩風烤箱烤出來的,最棒最好看,我好想念那台烤箱喔!! 改天有自己的房子,一定要一台!!
份量: 4 打
A 材料
奶油起司,室溫 225 克
無鹽奶油,室溫 225 克
白砂糖 50 克
雪花鹽 ¼ 小匙
香草精 1 小匙
中筋麵粉 240 克
白砂糖 1 大匙
淡色紅糖 1 大匙
肉桂粉 ½ 小匙
葡萄乾,切小塊 100 克 ¾ 杯
核桃,切小塊 100 克 1 杯
杏子果醬 ½ 杯
蛋 1 顆
牛奶 1大匙
粗糖 3 大匙
肉桂粉 1 小匙
1. 將奶油起司和無鹽奶油放入一個大盆中,用電動攪拌器打到混合均勻,分次倒入白砂糖,鹽,和香草精,再一次開動電動攪拌器拌勻,這時的奶油混合物看起來應該要像是打發的鮮奶油一般,鬆鬆的質感,再分3-4次加入麵粉,小心的用低速拌入奶油中,用低速拌勻就馬上停,不然餅乾出來的口感不夠酥脆。
2. 將盆中的麵團倒扣出來,到一個灑了麵粉的台子上,非常輕柔的揉成一個球型,將球型麵團切成4等份,個別揉成球型後,用保鮮膜包好放入冰箱1小時。
3. 在這一小時內,將B材料全量入一碗中拌勻備用。將C材料量入一碗中,打勻。另外將D材料也量入一碗中備用。
4. 一個小時後,拿一個麵團球出來,放到灑了麵粉的台子上,揉成9 吋 的圓型餅皮,台子上一定要放夠麵粉,不然會很黏,盡量不要用手去摸,麵團溫度越低,越 不黏手。在揉成 圓型的餅皮上抹上約2大匙的杏子果醬,再灑上 ½ 杯的內餡,盡量將B料碗底的糖也一起灑在餅皮上,這樣餅乾會比較香。將麵皮像切蛋糕一樣,切成12等份,從寬的那端用手將每一塊三角形往內捲,捲起後彎成牛角型,放入有排了蠟紙的烤盤中,重覆動作將剩餘的麵團做成牛角型後,再將這烤盤放入冰箱冰20分鐘,這樣烤出來的餅乾,比較不會變型。
5. 預熱烤箱 350°F/180°C,用刷子在每個餅乾上刷蛋液,用手灑一小撮肉桂糖到餅乾上,放入烤箱烤大約20 分鐘,拿出調頭,再烤3分鐘,到金黃為止,出爐放涼5分鐘後,再移至空心架放全涼,底部才會脆。
This is not an easy cookie to make. But once you are more experienced, you’ll love how easy it is to make it!! This cookies has become an all time favorites in my family!!!
A Ingredients
Cream cheese, room temp 8 oz
Butter, room temp ½ cup( ½ lb)
Sugar ¼ cup
Kosher salt ¼ teaspoon
Vanilla extract 1 teaspoon
All purpose flour 2 cups
B Ingredients
Sugar 1 tablespoon
Brown sugar 1 tablespoon
Ground cinnamon ½ teaspoon
Raisins, chopped ¾ cup
Walnuts, chopped ¾ cup
Apricot jam ½ cup
C Ingredients
Egg 1 head
Milk 1 tablespoon
D Ingredients
Raw sugar 3 tablespoon
Ground cinnamon 1 teaspoon
1. Beat the butter and cream cheese with an electric mixer until blended, beat in the sugar in batches, then salt and vanilla extract. Beat the mixture until fluffy. Then fold in the flour in 3-4 batches. Do not over mix or the cookies won’t be crispy.
2. Scoop out the dough onto a lightly floured surface, pat into a ball and divide the ball into 4 equal portions. Roll each portion into a round ball and wrap with plastic wrap. Chill them in the refrigerator for one hour.
3. During the hour, measure all B ingredients into a bowl. Beat C ingredients in another bowl. Also measure D ingredients into a small bowl for later.
4. After 1 hour, take out one dough from the refrigerator at a time. Pat the dough down on a floured surface and roll into a 9 inch round. Try to touch the dough as little as possible to keep the temperature down or else the dough will be very sticky. Spread apricot jam onto the rolled out dough, sprinkle with B mixture. Try to scoop up as much loose sugar from the B mixture and sprinkle onto the dough. Cut the dough into 12 equal portions like a pie, then roll the cookies up from the rim to the center and form a crescent shape. Place the cookie onto a parchment paper lined baking sheet. Repeat steps for the rest. After all the cookies are made, chill the baking sheet with the cookies for 20 minutes in the refrigerator before baking. This is a good time to preheat your oven to 350°F/180°C
5. Brush the each cookie with the egg wash, then sprinkle with the cinnamon raw sugar on top. Bake in the oven for 20 minutes; turn the baking sheet around, bake an additional 3 minutes until golden brown. Let cool 5 minutes before moving the cookies to a wired rack to cool completely.
Serving: 4 dozen