過年的正月十五要吃湯圓,等不及的我早早就把湯圓煮好吃光了,在這兒跟大家分享這碗美味的國寶級甜湯!! 還好早早吃完了,昨天去華人超市,居然買不到桂冠的湯圓了,全賣完了,真是掃興! 等下再去別家找找!! 我最喜歡的口味,是桂冠的花生湯圓,很多人都比較喜歡吃芝麻的,我最喜歡花生的!!!
份量: 6 人份
蓮子,乾 ½ 杯
綠豆,乾 ¼ 杯
紅豆,乾 ¼ 杯
大紅豆,乾 ¼ 杯
薏仁,乾 2 大匙
紅棗,乾 6 顆
薑片 5 片
冰糖 適量
桂冠湯圓 2 包 (20 顆)
1. 將所有A材料泡水2-3個小時,撈出瀝乾後,加入薑片放入一大鍋中煮,水要夠蓋過乾料,再倒約4-6 杯水下去,用大火煮到沸騰後,轉小火慢慢熬,煮約25-35分鐘,到所有的材料都入口及溶,再加入足夠的冰糖調味。
2. 火不要太大,不然豆子會太爛,糊掉了!
3. 另起一湯鍋加水煮沸,將湯圓放入鍋中煮至浮到水面上,再煮1-2分鐘。
4. 將湯圓盛入一湯碗中,再舀一兩杓熱熱的八寶甜湯到碗中,滋味無窮啊!!
Rice Ball Sweet Soup
A Ingredients
Lotus seed, dried ½ cup
Mung bean, dried ¼ cup
Red bean, dried ¼ cup
Big red bean, dried ¼ cup
Pearl barley, dried 2 tablespoon
Red dates, dried 6 pieces
B Ingredients
Ginger slices 5 slices
Rock sugar to taste
Frozen rice balls 2 packages
1. Soak all A ingredients in water for 2-3 hours, drain. Put the drained ingredients into a soup pot with the ginger slices; add enough water to come up about 2 inches above the ingredients. Bring the water to a boil, turn down the heat to a simmer, cook until tender, about 25-35 minutes. Add the rock sugar at the end.
2. Do not turn the heat up too high or else all the ingredients will be too mushy.
3. Heat up enough water in another soup pot until boiling, place the frozen rice balls into the boiling water. Cook until it comes up on the surface of the soup, cook an additional couple of minutes.
4. Scoop up the rice balls into an individual soup bowl, top with the sweet soup, serve steaming hot!!!
Serving: 6