這個菜的主心骨,是芹菜,紅蘿蔔,香菇,和假蟹肉,另外的菜就可以發揮創意,順便清冰箱,我就曾經放過小黃瓜,洋蔥,甜椒,雞肉,蘑菇,玉米,豆芽,馬鈴薯,剩下一點點的,通通可以拌進來,甚至可以切點兒蒜泥,但是有些小朋友不愛。這個菜另一個好處,是可以放冰箱好幾天,想吃就拿出來裝盤,為辛勞的主婦們,省下一點點時間! 我還驚喜的發現,這菜配中式西式都可以,清爽不油膩! 大家試試
分量: 約4-6 人份
西洋芹,切絲 160 克
西蘭花,切成小花 160 克
紅蘿蔔,刨絲 50 克
洋蔥,切絲 35 克
假蟹肉 100 克
香菇,5朵,泡水切絲 約 75 克
麻油 1 大匙
魚露 1 小匙
鹽 ¼ 小匙(適量調整)
白胡椒粉 ¼ 小匙
烹大師柴魚粉 ¼ 小匙
1. 將所有蔬菜洗乾淨處理好
2. 準備一鍋水,煮滾後即可開始川燙蔬菜,蔬菜要分開燙,而且要燙的恰到好處,還有點脆脆的
3. 將洋蔥絲,和假蟹肉放到一個大盆子底,這兩個菜不用燙,用燙過蔬菜壓上去,餘溫就行了,其他的蔬菜燙過後,撈起來也放到盆子裡,放涼室溫
4. 將B材料全部涼入蔬菜盆子裡面,攪拌均勻,馬上可以上桌,也可以放到密封盒子裡冷藏,建議大概3天內吃完,畢竟是新鮮蔬菜
Asian Vegetable Salad
Last summer I was grilling steaks at a friend’s house, we had to come up with a quick vegetable to go with the steaks. My friend Nicole and I quickly rummaged inside her fridge and we basically cut and blanched everything, mixed in some seasoning. It was a huge success even the kids loved it. It has become the most requested dish ever!!
An extra added benefit is this can be made several days ahead and keep in the fridge and eaten cold. A major time saver for busy working moms. It also pairs well with both Eastern and Western main entrees. I dare you to try! =)
A Ingredients
Celery, sliced 160 g
Broccoli florets 160 g
Carrots, shredded 50 g
Onion, shredded 35 g
Imitation Crab 100 g
Mushroom, sliced 75 g
B Ingredients
Sesame Oil 1 Tbs
Fish sauce 1 Tsp
Salt ¼ Tsp
White pepper, ground ¼ Tsp
Hondashi ¼ Tsp
1. Prepare and wash all the vegetables
2. Boil some water in a stock pot to blanch the prepared vegetables. Each type of vegetables needs to be blanched separately since cooking times vary. We still want a little bite and crispiness afterwards.
3. Place the shredded onion and imitation crab into a big mixing bowl, after blanching each vegetables, drain and place the still warm vegetables into the mixing bowl. Let cool before dressing it.
4. Add all B ingredients into the mixing bowl with the blanched vegetables, mix well. Serve immediately or store in airtight containers for later. Best if consumed in 3 days.