分量: 4 人份
馬自拉起司條,切厚片 1 條
甜羅勒葉 1 把
番茄,切厚片 3 顆
橄欖油 1 大匙
濃甜葡萄醋 2 大匙
鹽與黑胡椒粉 適量
帕米香起司屑 適量
1. 將番茄片,馬自拉起司片,甜蘿勒葉按照順序排好,擺在漂亮的盤子上。
2. 灑上B材料,就完成了!!
Caprese Salad
Bella’s favorite photographer and friend, Albert, loves Caprese salads. So before filming Lasagna rolls, we stopped at the store and he was drooling over the mozzarella cheese logs. That gives me the perfect excuse to make a Caprese salad and film it!!
A Ingredients
Mozzarella cheese log, thick slice 1 log
Sweet basil 1 bunch
Tomato, thick slice 3 heads
B Ingredients
Olive Oil 1 tablespoon
Balsamic Vinegar Glaze 2 tablespoon
Salt and pepper to taste
Parmesan cheese, freshly grated to taste
1. Place the A Ingredients in such an order, Tomato, Mozzarella cheese, and sweet basil and place onto pretty platter. Repeat with remaining A ingredients.
2. Drizzle and sprinkle with B ingredients.
Servings: 4