這個巧克力醬香香濃濃,甜度剛剛好,加了咖啡把巧克力的苦澀變成了特色,不只可以淋在冰淇淋聖代上,還可以用在起司蛋糕,杯子蛋糕,可麗餅等等的甜品上,還可以用來當做巧克力小火鍋的巧克力醬 (Chocolate Fondue),改天Party也來做一個!!
份量: 1.5 杯 (約做4-6份聖代)
白砂糖 155 克
可可粉,無糖 25 克
中筋麵粉 2 大匙
鹽 1/8 小匙
咖啡 ½ 杯
水 ½ 杯
香草精 1 ½ 小匙
奶油 1 大匙
1. 將A材料量入一個小碗中,拌勻。
2. 將B材料量入一小湯鍋中,以中小火加熱至奶油全部融化後,就可以加入A材料。將糖漿煮至有點冒泡沸騰,離火,三不五時的要攪拌一下。
3. 這時巧克力醬可以馬上淋在冰淇淋聖代上,或是等涼了後放入密封罐中保存。
Chocolate Fudge Sauce
This is a great recipe to make a quick home made chocolate sauce. It has a great flavor and it literally takes less than three minutes to make!!! This chocolate sauce can be used on many things, ice cream sundae, crepes, cup cakes, or even chocolate fondue for your next get-together party. It’s a make ahead, too!!!
A Ingredients
Sugar ¾ cup
Cocopowder, unsweetened ½ cup
All-purpose flour 2 tablespoon
Salt 1/8 teaspoon
B Ingredients
Coffee ½ cup
Water ½ cup
Vanilla extract 1 ½ teaspoon
Butter 1 tablespoon
1. Measure all A ingredients into a medium bowl, mix well.
2. Measure all B ingredients into a small sauce pot, heat until the butter melts, then stir in the A ingredients. Cook until slightly boiling, stir and continue cook an additional 30 seconds.
3. Use the chocolate sauce hot on crepes and ice creams to add flavor. Store in air tight container in frig, keep a few weeks.
Serving: 1.5 cup (around 4-6 sundae)