

來美國這麼多年,每次去外國人的派對,就一定會有這樣的一大盤脆片加起司醬,大人小孩都愛吃,容易做又成本低,不過好像沒人像我這麼花功夫去做的漂亮,大家都是買罐頭的倒進碗裡配上脆片就是了! 但是我不喜歡罐頭的醬,裡頭也不知放了多少化學藥劑讓它起司不會硬掉,自己做安心!!

份量: 6 人份


玉米脆片                           5

酸奶油                              ¼

公雞醬                              2 大匙 (可以省略)

蔥花                                  1 大匙

洋蔥丁                              1 小匙

辣椒粉                              1 小撮



奶油                                   1 大匙

麵粉                                   1 大匙

牛奶                                  ½

巧達起司絲                       ½

Rotel辣椒蕃茄醬罐頭      2 大匙(可以省略)

鹽與黑胡椒粉                       適量


1. 預熱烤箱325°F/160°C。將玉米脆片倒到一平烤盤上,烤約10分鐘。

2. 在一個鍋中加熱奶油,奶油熱了後加入麵粉一起炒,把生麵粉味炒掉就可以一面攪拌一面徐徐加入牛奶,等牛奶和麵粉糊融合了後,加入起司絲,再攪至融化,加入Rotel辣椒蕃茄醬罐頭(也可以省略),加入鹽與黑胡椒粉調味一下,倒入一小碗中。

3. 將熱的玉米脆片倒入一大盤中,將起司醬放在中間,上面再裝飾酸奶油,公雞醬,洋蔥丁,和辣椒粉。



   嘉年華脆片  意式頭檯醬  DSC05348.Copy.jpg

      嘉年華脆片         意式頭檯醬        藍莓莎莎醬

Cheddar Cheese Dip


This is the most popular chip and dip at any American parties.  Don’t make it out of a can, try making it fresh from ingredients you have in your frig.  It’s worth it. 


A Ingredients

Tortilla chips                           5 cups

Sour cream                              ¼ cup

Pico de gallo                            2 tablespoon (optional)

Scallion, chopped                    1 tablespoon

Onion, chopped                       1 teaspoon

Chili pepper powder                1 pinch


B Ingredients

Butter                                      1 tablespoon

Flour                                         1 tablespoon

Milk                                          ½ cup

Cheddar cheese, shredded       ½ cup

Rotel chili tomato                     2 tablespoon

Salt and pepper                            to taste

1. Preheat oven to 325°F/160°C. Spread the tortilla chips onto a cookie sheet, bake 10 minutes in the oven. 

2. Melt the butter in a small sauce pan, then stir in the flour, cook until the flour doesn’t smell raw, then slowly whisk in the milk to make a roux.  When it’s incorporated, add the shredded cheddar cheese, Rotel chili tomato sauce(optional).  Salt and pepper to taste.  Place the lid on to keep warm while preparing chips. 

3. Pour the chips into a big platter, place the bowl with the cheese sauce in the middle.  Then decorate with sour cream, Pico de Gallo, chopped onion, chopped scallion, and chili pepper powder. 


Serving: 6


    創作者 Bella 的頭像


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