上個禮拜五我和室友Peter臨時抱佛腳,隔天姑姑要回家了,我們才在清理廚房擦地板,整個爐頭被煮的好髒,也不知多久沒洗過了,Peter在車庫找到一罐噴霧劑,還蠻有效的,他在那裡擦擦刷刷個起勁,我則是整理客廳飯廳加拖木地板,有人一起做,就很起勁又不會無聊,說說笑笑的很快就過去了,但是爐頭是個大工程,所以我在半中途,想說反正待會也沒要出門,來做杯雞尾酒犒賞一下吧! 翻了翻櫃子,一大堆酒,也不知道哪一罐好喝,就隨便抓了一瓶藍色的琴酒,沒有冰塊,就對了點冰箱裡的雪碧,再加上院子裡的薄荷和檸檬,就這樣一杯簡單的雞尾酒,卻讓Peter大吃一驚! 真好喝! 我也覺得很好喝,還在想,自己真會調酒耶!! 淘醉中!!
隔天姑姑從舊金山回家,煮了桌好菜大家一起享用,講到櫃子裡酒一堆,不知道用哪罐酒,姑姑馬上提一有一罐藍色的,她十年前從巴黎帶回來的。我一聽馬上一身冷汗,還越流越冷,藍色? 巴黎? 十年? 我頭都快嚇暈了! 這酒現在應該也價值連城了吧?! 難怪昨晚的雞尾酒這麼好喝,我這樣不知是識貨還是不識貨~
份量: 1 杯
孟買藍寶琴酒 ¼ 杯
薄荷葉 4 片
雪碧,冰 ½ 杯
檸檬 ½ 顆
1. 在酒杯中倒入琴酒,將薄荷葉放入,拿一根桿麵棍在杯中壓一下,讓薄荷的香味融入酒中,再把薄荷撈出來。
2. 把冰涼的雪碧倒入杯中,切半顆檸檬,將汁擠進杯中,稍攪勻。
3. 上面再放一片檸檬和薄荷做裝飾。
Sapphire Dream
Half way through cleaning the kitchen with roommate Peter, I decided to reward ourselves with a cocktail. What with no ice and no club soda, I needed to get creative. I found a blue bottle of gin in the cupboards, added some Sprite from the frig, mint and lemon from the garden. This cocktail I made was so good. It hit all the right notes and taste buds. There I was thinking…maybe I have a career as a bartender, too….
Sitting down at dinner celebrating my aunt Julie’s homecoming. She mentioned a blue bottle of gin that she brought back fromParis10 years ago. OMG…how much is that bottle worth now? Wait, so it wasn’t me, the good bartender?? Indeed it was the 10 years aged Dry Gin of Bombay Sapphire fromParis. Good thing my aunt wasn’t too mad, maybe the spotless house and kitchen helped!
Bombay Sapphire ¼ cup
Mint leaves 4 pieces
Sprit, icy ½ cup
Lemon ½ head
1. Pour the Gin and mint leaves into a glasses, muddle with a muddler or a rolling pin to release the minty flavor. Scoop out the muddled mint and discard.
2. Pour the icy Sprit into the glasses, squeeze the juice of half a lemon into the cup, mix.
3. Garnish with a slice of lemon and fresh mint leaves.
Serving: 1