3月10號禮拜六是Nana 87歲生日,老人家不喜歡出門,也沒那個體力,所以我們就安排了一頓在家吃的大餐,我給Nana做了一個香奈兒皮包生日蛋糕,整塊的烤牛肋排,配上伯爵花園沙拉,蜂蜜藍紋醬烤馬鈴薯,奶油玉米,奶油菠菜,奶油辣根醬。雞尾酒則配上一些頭檯的點心,我用了薄脆餅乾配布里起司,再擺上大大甜甜的紅葡萄,加上好大的雞尾酒蝦,配上自己做的雞尾酒醬,大家都吃的好開心!!
家杰在名片貼裡留話問奶油菠菜的奶油和菠菜,所以我把我的奶油菠菜做法po上來,希望有幫到家杰!!! 在這裡先跟大家說一聲抱歉,沒有再更漂亮的照片,生日宴會前的中午先偷吃一顆烤馬鈴薯的時候,不小心也照到了奶油菠菜,就只有這張了,還是手機照的呢~
份量: 6人份
培根 8 根
洋蔥,切丁 1 顆
蒜泥 1 大匙
中筋麵粉 ¼ 杯
牛奶 4 杯
冷凍菠菜(16oz)解凍,瀝乾 2 包
動物性鮮奶油 ½ 杯
鹽與胡椒粉 適量
1. 拿一炒鍋煎香培根,到香脆可是不要到燒焦,翻面再煎一下,撈出放到紙巾上瀝油,然後再把培根切小丁片,備用。
2. 將鍋內的油倒出一半,加入洋蔥丁和蒜泥鈔香,約2-3分鐘,再加入麵粉炒香,等鍋內的麵粉都溼了後,再緩緩拌入牛奶,不要一下子倒太多,會分家,要慢慢的加牛奶。
3. 等滾後,慢慢再攪拌個2分鐘到濃綢,再加入冷凍菠菜,液態奶油和培根丁,再煮個5分鐘,加入鹽與黑胡椒粉調味,就可以起鍋了。
Creamed Spinach
Saturday March 10 was Nana’s 87th birthday. As she gets older, she’s grown more home bound. So his grandson and I designed a big Prime Rib dinner at home to entertain her on her birthday. The menu includes, Prime Rib Roast, Creamed Spinach, Creamed Corn, Baked Russet Potatos, Creamed Horseradish, Countess Garden Salad. Cocktail and appetizer included Pink Peach Blinis, Cocktail Shrimp, St Andres Brie w/crackers and grapes. I also made her a Chanel purse cake. The cake was so cute and special. We all take turns photographing and posing with the cake. It’s so worth the effort to make a fun cake like this. Everyone had a great time!!!
Bacon strips 8 slices
Onion, chopped 1 head
Garlic, minced 1 tablespoon
All purpose flour ¼ cup
Milk 4 cups
Frozen chopped spinach, washed, drained 2 packages (16 oz)
Heavy whipping cream ½ cup
Salt and pepper to taste
1. Fry the bacon strips in a frying pan, until crispy but not burned, flip and cook the other side, then drain onto a kitchen towels to absorb excess oil. Then chop the bacon into little square pieces.
2. Pour half the bacon grease out of the frying pan, return to stove, add the chopped onion and minced garlic to pan, sauté for 2-3 minutes, then add the flour to pan, stir until all the ingredients are coated with flour, a couple of minutes, then slowing stir in the milk. Don’t add too fast or else the milk will separate.
3. After boiling, stir an additional 2 minutes till thicken, add the drained frozen chopped spinach, heavy whipping cream, and chopped bacon to sauce, cook an additional 5 minutes. Salt and pepper to taste. Serve hot.
Serving: 8