前幾次回台灣,發現泰國菜好貴,在加州這邊倒是還算平價,跟排骨飯雞腿便當的價錢一樣!! 常常在不想做飯的時候,去吃吃享受一下餐廳的調調。每家泰國餐廳都一定有賣泰式冰紅茶,每家的做法,和味道迥然而異,今天在家裡自己試試,做出Bella五星級廚房特有的冰紅茶味!! 上一次的塑化劑風波,鬧的到現在外面的飲料都不敢喝,那天在超市看到新品的飲料上市,也還是沒有買! 還是自己在家裡做的安心!! 這個紅茶做出來要有美麗的橘紅色,盡量不要讓奶精在還沒上桌前混合到茶裡,有兩段顏色才好看,喝下去要有紅茶的香濃,奶精的奶味,大家在家裡試試有沒有做出這種味道喔!!
份量: 2 杯
水 800 克
泰式紅茶包 6 包
白砂糖 3 大匙
碎冰塊 1 杯
牛奶 ¼ 杯
液態奶油 ¼ 杯
1. 將水和紅茶包放入一湯鍋中煮滾後,轉中火,再滾個3 分鐘,濃縮後這樣茶味會較香濃,放糖拌勻,離火,將茶包撈出來後,放涼。
2. 放涼的同時,準備半半奶精,將B材料全量好攪拌勻,就是半半奶精。就是一半牛奶一半奶精的意思,高明吧!! 不是我發明的喔!
3. 將放涼的紅茶放入高玻璃杯中,放入碎冰塊,再倒入拌好的半半奶精,就是美味的泰式冰紅茶啦!!!
Thai Ice Tea
Every time I visit a Thai restaurant, I’d have to order a glasses of these delicious tea. It’s actually very simple to make at home. These Thai ice tea bags are available in Asian markets. Enjoy!!!
A Ingredients
Water 800 g
Thai ice tea bags 6 bags
Sugar 3 tablespoon
Crushed ice 1 cup
B Ingredients
Milk ¼ cup
Whipping cream ¼ cup
1. Put the water and Thai tea bags into a sauce pan to boil, after the water starts to boil, turn the heat to medium and let simmer 3 more minutes to reduce. This way the tea taste much better. Stir in the sugar, remove from heat. Fish out the tea bags, discard, let cool.
2. While the tea cools, prepare the half and half, measure all B ingredients into a measuring cup, there you go. This is when you don’t have half and half at home. If you do, just use a ½ cup of half and half.
3. Pour the cooled tea into two tall glasses, put in the crushed ice, then pour the prepared half and half carefully onto the crushed ice. Serve cold.
Serving: 2