

上次和我家姑姑一起去吃日本料理,她就突然轉頭問我會不會做味增湯,我就想味增湯有啥難? 不就是水加味增嗎? 姑姑難到不知道? 還是她只是想考考我?! 回家隔天我就偷偷煮了這鍋味增湯,姑姑回家時驚喜了一下,喝了好大一碗熱熱的味增湯,冷冷的天,熱熱的湯,再貼心不過了!! 


份量: 4 人份



橄欖油                   1 大匙

小魚乾                  ¼

味增                      ¾

昆布,泡軟          ½              


                           1 大匙

嫩豆腐,切大丁   1   

蔥花                       2 大匙



1. 加熱一湯鍋,鍋熱後放入橄欖油,油熱後炒香小魚乾,約3分鐘。

2. 加入味增一起炒,再徐徐攪入水,不要加太快,一面加水一面攪拌,確定所有味增都溶化了才放所有的水下去。

3. 加入昆布,滾後煮約8-10 分鐘,再加入糖,攪勻後放入豆腐,豆腐下鍋後不要過度攪拌,這樣豆腐才不會碎掉,湯會不好看,再滾後續煮3分鐘,離火。

4. 上桌時灑上蔥花一起食用,冷冷的天,熱熱的湯,暖胃。



 高纖蔬雞湯  DSC05862.Copy.jpg

        高纖蔬雞湯          低卡蔬菜濃湯


Pantry Miso Soup


Miso soup never failed me.  I can always count on it to please a crowd, or just a single man.  And all the ingredients are right there in my pantry!!!  Researches have shown that the Japanese live longer because they consume lots of soy beans in their diet.  Although…the soy beans we purchase in this country are all genetically modified.  Don’t know how healthy that is.  You’ll should check out the movie “Food, Inc.“  Sure did makes a carnivore like me want to turn vegetarian.  Whenever the weather is right, a bowl of hot miso soup can always bring warmth to my heart, especially in this cold and lonely winter.  Autumn and winter are the perfect seasons for all kinds of hearty soups.  Stay tuned!!



Olive oil                                      1 tablespoon

Dried anchovies                         ¼ cup

Miso paste                                  ¾ cup

Seaweed,qumbu,cut,soaked       ½ cup     

Water                                           8 cups

Sugar                                           1 tablespoon

Silken tofu, big chunks                1 piece

Chopped scallion                         2 tablespoon



1. Heat up a stock pot, add the olive oil to pot, when the oil is hot, add the anchovies, cook till fragrant, around 3 minutes. 

2. Add the miso to pan and sauté for a couple of minutes, slowly stir in the water, make sure each additional is well melted before adding more water. 

3. Add the soaked seaweed, bring to a boil and continue cooking for 8-10 minutes, add the sugar and stir to melt, then carefully add the chunk tofu, bring to a boil again and cook for an additional 3 minutes, remove from heat. 

4. Serve with chopped scallion sprinkled on top. 


Servings: 4


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