那天在好市多看到這些另人流口水的巨無霸芒果,等了好多天好不容易熟了,就拿來做個芒果酒凍吧! 做這個芒果一定要熟,不然青青的味道不好,酒凍也相對的酸,家裡只有沒濾過的清酒,所以我用咖啡濾紙濾了一下,大部份買的到的清酒都是濾過的。果凍模可以用家裡有的任何容器,杯杯碗碗的都可以用,反正上桌也看不到模子!
份量: 4 人份
芒果 2 顆
糖 ¼ 杯
清酒 1 杯
清酒 ½ 杯
吉利丁粉 1 包 (約5g或2小匙)
1. 將芒果去皮切丁,挑選好看一些約1 ¼ 杯的芒果丁放入果凍模型中,剩餘的芒果全部倒入果汁機中,加入糖攪泥,完後用篩子篩芒果泥,再放入一碗中蓋起來,放冰箱冷藏。
2. 將B材料放入一大碗中,靜置5分鐘。
3. 拿一小湯鍋加熱A材料的清酒至沸騰,立刻倒入B材料中攪拌至吉利丁粉溶化,再倒入果凍模中,放冰箱冷藏2小時。
4. 食用時,將果凍模放入溫水中泡1-2分鐘,果凍就較易脫模,在盤中舀大約2 大匙的芒果泥,再放上芒果酒凍。
Bella 五星級廚房相關食譜
Mango Sake Jelly
A Ingredients
Mango 2 heads
Sugar ¼ cup
Sake 1 cup
B Ingredients
Sake ½ cup
Gelatin 1 envelope
1. Peel the mango and cut into little cubes. Pick about 1 ¼ cup finer cubes and place in the jelly mold. Place the rest of the mango into a blender, puree until smooth, Strain the mango puree through a sieve. Cover and refrigerate.
2. Place B ingredients in a medium bowl, let sit 5 minutes.
3. Heat up the Sake from A in a small sauce pan until boiling, immediately pour into the B ingredient bowl, stir until gelatin dissolves, pour into the jelly molds, refrigerate 2 hours.
4. To serve, place the jelly mold in warm water for 1-2 minutes to loosen, spoon 2 tablespoon of the mango puree onto the plate, top with Mango Sake Jelly, serve cold.
Serving: 4