這個越式涼麵是越式春捲的變身喔,幾乎同樣的材料,一變又是不同的一道菜,夏天吃這種清淡又很開胃的菜沒有負擔! 照片中我用的是五花肉,家裡沒瘦肉,懶的出門,所以就將就將就啦!!!
份量: 2 人份
銀絲米粉 一把
麻油 ½ 小匙
生菜,切絲 2 杯
豆芽菜 1 杯
薄荷香葉,切絲 ¼ 杯
紅蘿蔔絲 ¼ 杯
蔥花 2 大匙
花生粒 2 大匙
瘦豬肉 2 塊
蝦,去殼泥腸 8 隻
醬油 2 大匙
魚露 1 大匙
米酒 1 大匙
糖 1 大匙
萊姆果汁 1 大匙
魚露 1 大匙
水 ½ 杯
蒜泥 1 大匙
紅椒片 ½ 小匙
糖 1 大匙
1. 煮鍋滾水煮銀絲米粉,不用太久,大約煮到中心不硬就馬上撈出,泡入冰水中降溫,再撈出,放入一碗中,倒入麻油拌勻。
2. 將B料全部放入一大碗中,醃20分鐘,起油鍋煎熟瘦豬肉,起鍋前3分鐘加入醃過的蝦一起拌炒,拿出後用刀將豬排切成小條,趁熱灑上蔥花和花生粒。
3. 將C料全部放入一小碗中攪勻。
4. 將放冷的銀絲米粉放入盤中,擺上生菜,豆芽菜,薄荷香葉絲,和紅蘿蔔絲,再放上切成小條的豬排,蝦,食用時淋上C醬一起拌勻即可。
香辣鮭魚涼麵 Spicy Salmon Cold Noodle
簡易健康蔬菜涼麵 Mixed Veggie Cold Noodle
Vietnamese Vermicelli Plate
A Ingredients
Vietnamese vermicelli 1 bunch
Sesame oil ½ teaspoon
Lettuces, julienned 2 cups
Bean sprouts 1 cups
Purple mint leaves, julienned ¼ cup
Carrots, shredded ¼ cup
Scallion, chopped 2 tablespoon
Peanuts, chopped 2 tablespoon
B Ingredients
Pork shoulder chops 2 pieces
Shrimp, shell and rein removed 8 pieces
Soy sauce 2 tablespoon
Fish sauce 1 tablespoon
Michu cooking vine* 1 tablespoon
Sugar 1 tablespoon
C Ingredients
Lime juice 1 tablespoon
Fish sauce 1 tablespoon
Water ½ cup
Garlic, minced 1 tablespoon
Red pepper flakes ½ teaspoon
Sugar 1 tablespoon
1. Cook vermicelli in boiling for a few minutes, not too long, drained and soak in ice water to stop the cooking process, drained again, place in a mixing bowl, mix with the sesame oil.
2. Place all B ingredients into a mixing bowl and marinade for 20 minutes, heat some oil in a frying pan to cook the pork, about 3 minutes on each side, 3 minutes before the pork is done, add the shrimps and sauté till cooked. Cut pork into thin strips and add the chopped scallion and peanuts.
3. Mix all C ingredients in a small bowl.
4. Plate the cold vermicelli noodle on a plate, then add the lettuces, bean sprouts, purple mint leaves, and carrots, then add the pork strips and shrimp. Serve with C sauce.
Serving: 2