昨天去看暮光之城 (Twilight) 的第三集,6月30號上映,6月29號晚上半夜的那場,我家老爺很貼心,知道我迷這個,跟我說都看吧。原來現代電影院真會賺錢,半夜12點演出第3集,之前還先放映第一和第二集,好,就一起看吧! 所以他下班馬上跟我到電影院會合,6點半上映可是我下五5點就先去排隊了,他晚到順便去買漢堡薯條當晚餐,還買了我最愛的草莓奶昔耶!!! 電影院還免費送我們一杯小杯可樂和爆米花,所以整個晚上都吃垃圾食物,胃不太舒服,今天一整天想到垃圾食物就反胃,晚上就來做一盤清淡的米紙捲吧!!
份量: 4 人份
銀絲米粉 一把
麻油 ½ 小匙
越式米紙 4 片
蝦,煮熟切半 6 隻
滷牛肉片 4 片
豆芽菜 2 杯
薄荷香葉,切絲 ¼ 杯
紅蘿蔔絲 ¼ 杯
李錦記海鮮醬 ¼ 杯
顆粒花生醬 ¼ 杯
水 ½ 杯
花生粒 1 大匙
1. 煮鍋滾水煮銀絲米粉,不用太久,大約煮到中心不硬就馬上撈出,泡入冰水中降溫,再撈出,放入一碗中,倒入麻油拌勻。
2. 將B料,除了花生粒外,放入一碗中,微波40秒,較易拌勻,拿出來再灑上花生粒。
3. 準備一盤冷水,動作要快,將一片越式米紙泡入水中,馬上拿出,放在一平台上,擺上3片蝦,滷牛肉片,豆芽菜,薄荷香葉絲,和紅蘿蔔絲,再放入放涼的銀絲米粉,包起來,沾B醬吃。
越式烤肉涼麵 Vietnamese Vermicelli Plate
Vietnamese Spring Rolls
A Ingredients
Vietnamese vermicelli 1 bunch
Sesame oil ½ teaspoon
Vietnamese vermicelli paper 4 pieces
Shrimp¸ cooked, sliced in half 12 pieces
Chinese roasted beef slices 4 slices
Bean sprouts 2 cups
Purple mint leaves, julienned ¼ cup
Carrots, shredded ¼ cup
B Spring Roll Sauce
Hoisin sauce ¼ cup
Chunky peanut butter ¼ cup
Water ½ cup
Peanuts, chopped 1 tablespoon
1. Cook vermicelli in boiling for a few minutes, not too long, drained and soak in ice water to stop the cooking process, drained again, place in a mixing bowl, mix with the sesame oil.
2. Place all the B ingredients, except the chopped peanuts, in a bowl, and microwave for 40 seconds, this makes it easier to dissolve, then sprinkle with chopped peanuts.
3. Prepare a bowl of cold tap water, dip a piece of vermicelli paper very briefly in water, then place flatly on a surface, place 3 pieces of shrimp, Chinese roasted beef, bean sprouts, purple mint leaves, and shredded carrots, roll up the vermicelli and serve with B sauce.
Serving: 4