要做美而美早餐系列,怎麼可以漏掉這個經典的三明治呢? 小時候媽媽常常買幾個,加上一罐統一鮮豆奶,當早餐呢!!
分量: 2-4 人份
吐司 8 片
火腿片 4 片
白煮蛋,切丁 2 顆
美乃滋 2 大匙
黑胡椒粉 適量
小黃瓜絲 ¼ 杯
美乃滋 1 大匙
蘋果醋 1/8 小匙
白砂糖 1/8 小匙
1. 將B材料量入一碗中拌勻,成蛋沙拉,備用。
2. 將C材料量好拌勻,為小黃瓜沙拉,備用。
3. 將吐司,各分四片攤開,第一層先塗上蛋沙拉,蓋一片吐司,第二層夾入火腿,再蓋上一片吐司,第三層夾入小黃瓜沙拉,蓋上最後一片吐司。
4. 將三明治用刀沿斜角切成兩半,裝入袋中。
Super Sandwiches
At first, I didn’t know what to name this sandwich. During a filming break, my photographer/camera man, Albert said “super sandwich.” Hey! It’s perfect!! After packaging, this sandwich is perfect for picnic or a family trip. I’ve packaged a bunch of them to a beach party once!! My friends had never seen sandwiches packaged this way, but they all love the taste!!!
The day of filming was one disaster after another. I woke up in the morning with a raspy voice and stuffy nose. What woke me was my neighbor’s construction project! It was also unfortunately street sweeping day. On top of that, my parents had a very exciting political discussion in the backyard, which was caught on tape. Seriously? Wait wait wait, it’s not over yet. That night after filming, I broke in a fever of 102. Record!!
A Ingredients
Toasts 8 slices
Ham 4 slices
B Ingredients
Hard boiled egg, chopped 2 heads
Mayonnaise 2 tablespoon
Ground black pepper to taste
C Ingredients
Cucumber, shredded ¼ cup
Mayonnaise 1 tablespoon
Apple cider vinegar 1/8 teaspoon
Sugar 1/8 teaspoon
1. Stir all B ingredients together into an egg salad.
2. Stir all C ingredients together into a cucumber salad.
3. Place toasts, four slices into a stack, spread the egg salad, ham, and cucumber salad into each of the three layers.
4. Slice the edges off the four sides and cut diagonal into two triangles down the middle. Bag the sandwiches into triangle bags for easy to go.
Servings: 2-4