第一次吃到杏仁瓦片,是乾媽Michelle做的,好好吃,拿回家爸媽也愛的不得了,那時候還不會烘培,所以只能纏著乾媽讓 給烤來吃,我是一直到去年,才第一次自己烤杏仁片呢! 我試過很多配方,多大同小異,重要的是火候和把杏仁片剝開這道手續,但是就算烤的不好看,還是很香很好吃的,準備手續又很簡單,材料也只有幾樣,心動不如馬上行動,去烤一盤杏仁瓦片吧!
分量: 1 打
蛋白 50 克
白砂糖 50 克
奶油 20 克
低筋麵粉 15 克
杏仁片 100 克
1. 預熱烤箱325°F/160°C
2. 將A材料在一中盆中打勻到乳白色。
3. 加入B材料輕輕拌勻。
4. 拿一個平烤盤上鋪烤盤紙,將辦好的材料,約一大勺的分量,舀到烤盤紙上,預留約5公分左右的距離。
5. 用手指頭將黏成一團的杏仁片分開,讓混合物變成一個薄薄一層,但要記得杏仁片不可分的太開,這樣脆片烤出來就很容易不成片,大約掌心大小為佳。
6. 進烤箱烤約 10-13分鐘,出爐放個1-2分鐘,再移到空心架上放全涼,收藏於密封盒中。
Bella 五星級廚房相關食譜
Almond Florentine
The first time I had this, my godmother Michelle had made it. It was truly love at first bite. The preparation and ingredients are so simple, anyone can make it. Please give this a try. You’ll all fall in love.
A Ingredients
Egg whites 50 g
Sugar 50 g
Butter, melted 20 g
Cake flour 15 g
B Ingredients
Sliced almonds 100 g
1. Preheat oven 325°F/160°C.
2. Whisk the A ingredients in a medium bowl until opaque.
3. Gently fold in B ingredients with a rubber spatula. Careful not to break the sliced almonds.
4. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper. Scoop the prepared batter 2 inches apart onto the baking sheet, around 1 -2 tablespoon per cookie
5. Using your fingers to separate the stacked sliced almond. The objective is to have a single layer of sliced almond across. So the cookies will be thin and crispy and bakes evenly. The ideal cookie size should be about the palms of your hand.
6. Bake in the oven for 10-13 minutes. Let cool 1-2 minutes before removing the cookies to a wired rack. Let cool completely before storing in a air tight container.
Serving: 1 dozen