份量: 約 8 人份
I. 步驟
A 材料
雞胸肉 4 塊
鹽與黑胡椒粉 適量
奶油 2 大匙
橄欖油 2 大匙
1. 將雞胸肉兩面灑上鹽與黑胡椒粉。
2. 拿一油鍋加熱奶油與橄欖油,油熱後將雞肉平鋪在鍋底煎至兩面金黃,一面約3-4分鐘,端看火大小。
3. 兩面都金黃後,將雞肉盛出於一大碗中備用,原鍋不需要洗,火也不要關,再進行下一個步驟。
II. 步驟
奶油 1 大匙
橄欖油 1 大匙
蒜泥 1 大匙
蘑菇,切片 2-3 杯
洋蔥,切絲 1 顆
乾百里香 1 小匙
鹽 ¼ 小匙
黑胡椒粉 ¼ 小匙
白酒 1 杯
1. 在原鍋內加入奶油和橄欖油,炒香蒜泥,再放蘑菇片下去炒金黃,約3 分鐘,再放洋蔥絲和百里香進鍋中,加入鹽與黑胡椒粉調味,再炒個5-8分鐘,到洋蔥有一點變軟,半透明,但還不是金黃色。
2. 倒入白酒,煮到湯汁差不多都蒸發了,約要4-5 分鐘。
3. 這時候用手把剛剛煎好的雞胸肉撕成小塊,要用撕的不要用切的,這樣雞肉比較容易吸收湯汁,再放回原大碗中。
4. 湯汁收的差不多後,將所有的菜料,也一起倒入雞肉的大碗中,原鍋不需要洗,火也不要關,再進行下一個步驟。
III. 步驟
C 材料
奶油 3 大匙
麵粉 1/3 杯
牛奶,室溫 4 杯
動物性鮮奶油,室溫 1 杯
荳蔻粉 1/8 小匙
鹽 2 小匙
黑胡椒粉 1 小匙
1. 在鍋中加入奶油,融化後就可以將麵粉下鍋炒熟,炒至有熟麵粉的香味。
2. 拿一根打蛋器,一面攪拌一面加入牛奶和動物性鮮奶油,讓奶能讓鍋中的麵糊吸收掉,不可以加太快不然會分離。
3. 加入荳蔻粉,鹽與黑胡椒粉,再小火滾煮到湯汁濃稠些,約8-10分鐘。
IV. 步驟
義大利麵,Linguini 1 包,(約450克)
冷凍甜豆 1 杯
雞湯 1 杯
麵包粉 ¼ 杯
帕米香起司絲 1 杯
巴西里屑 ¼ 杯
鹽與黑胡椒粉 適量
1. 煮一鍋滾水放義大利麵下去煮,煮到8 分熟就撈出。
2. 預熱烤箱 450°F/230°C
3. 拿一烤盤 13x9x2,抹或噴一點油,可以防止麵料沾黏。
4. 拿一大盆,先將煮好的義大利麵放入,倒入約1/3 的C 醬,拌勻後灑點黑胡椒粉,再拌勻,之後再將準備好的雞肉,菜料,醬和冷凍甜豆,一起倒入盆中拌勻,加入雞湯,慢慢加到夠,不要讓整個麵水水的,再將所有材料倒入抹了油的烤盤中。
5. 在表面灑上帕米香起司絲,巴西里屑和麵包屑。
6. 進烤箱烤約20-25 分鐘,直到表面金黃,出爐後放涼 5 分鐘再切食。
Chicken Tetrazzini
I was so hooked the first time I had this pasta. I went home and made one the next day. Eventually, made another one because it is just so delicious!!
I. Step 1
A Ingredients
Chicken breast 4 pieces
Salt and pepper to taste
Butter 2 tablespoon
Olive oil 2 tablespoon
1. Sprinkle salt and pepper both sides of the chicken breast.
2. Heat up the butter and olive oil in a large frying pan, add the chicken to pan when the oil is heated. Cook until the chicken is golden brown on both sides, around 3-4 minutes.
3. Take the chicken out into a big mixing bowl. Using the same pan, don’t turn off the heat, proceed into next step.
II. Step 2
B Ingredients
Butter 1 tablespoon
Olive oil 1 tablespoon
Garlic, minced 1 tablespoon
Mushroom, sliced 2-3 cups (around 2 lbs)
Onion, sliced 1 head
Thyme, dried 1 teaspoon
Salt ¼ teaspoon
Ground black pepper ¼ teaspoon
Dry white wine 1 cup
1. Heat butter and olive oil, add the minced garlic into pan to cook until fragrant, a couple of minutes, then add the mushroom slices to pan, cook until golden, around 3 minutes, then add the onion and dried parsley into pan, add the salt and pepper, toss well and cook for 5-8 minutes until the onion is softened and translucent but not quite golden.
2. Add the white wine, let reduce, aroud 4-5 minutes.
3. Meanwhile, shred the chicken into small long shreds. Do not cut for the chicken will absorb more juice and flavor if shredded. Place the shredded chicken back into the mixing bowl.
4. When the wine is evaporated, add the content into a big mixing bowl with the shredded chicken. Using the same pan, do not turn off heat, for the next step.
III. Step 3
C Ingredients
Butter 3 tablespoon
Flour 1/3 cup
Milk, room temp 4 cups
Heavy whipping cream 1 cup
Nutmeg, ground 1/8 teaspoon
Salt 2 teaspoon
Ground black pepper 1 teaspoon
1. Melt butter in pan, add the flour, cook until the raw flour smell is gone.
2. Using a whisk, whisk in the milk and heavy whipping cream. Add slowly at the beginning so the roux can absorb the liquid.
3. Add the ground nutmeg, salt and pepper, simmer until the sauce reduced a bit, around 8-10 minutes.
IV. Step 4
D Ingredients
Linguini 1 package (around 16 oz)
Frozen sweet peas 1 cup
Chicken stock 1 cup
Bread crumbs ¼ cup
Parmesan cheese,grated 1 cup
Parsley, fresh minced ¼ cup
Salt and pepper to taste
1. Cook the pasta in a pot of boiling water with a couple teaspoons of salt until al dente, still a bit undercooked. Drain the noodle form the water.
2. Preheat oven 450°F/230°C.
3. Coat a 13x9x2 baking dish with oil or butter to prevent sticking.
4. Pour the cooked pasta into a big mixing bowl, pour 1/3 of the C sauce into the mixing with the noodles, sprinkle some black pepper, toss well. Then add the prepared chicken and vegetables, sauce, and frozen sweet peas, toss well. Then slowly add enough chicken stock so that the mixture isn’t too dry and clumpy. Pour the entire content into the prepared baking dish.
5. Sprinkle the top with Parmesan cheese, minced parsley, and bread crumbs.
6. Bake in the oven for 20-25 minute until golden brown, let cook 5 minutes before serving.
Serving: 8