現在要是需要一點一點的材料,我會到有秤斤賣的店裡,配方裡要一杯,就買一杯回家,省錢之外,也可以不用傷腦筋,要如何消化冰箱裡一包包剩下的材料! 像今年的感恩節大餐,我就買剛剛好,省錢又省力~
分量: 1 杯
吐司,放隔天 3 片
蒜頭鹽 1 小匙
義大利香料 ½ 小匙
1. 預熱烤箱300°F/150°C
2. 將土司切小塊用食物處理機或是果汁機打碎。
3. 加入蒜頭鹽和義大利香料,再打一下到均勻。
4. 將打好的麵包屑倒到一個平烤盤中,進烤箱烤5-7 分鐘,出爐後放全涼,再裝入密封罐中保存。
Italian Bread Crumbs
When I first started learning how to cook, small ingredients like the break crumbs always gave me a headache. It’s quite expensive and I only need a tiny little bit. Nowadays I learn to buy bulk at markets so that I will have no leftover ingredients to deal with. My thanksgiving dinner was a raving success. I saved money and pantry space!!
Now if your family is anything like mine, you’ll have pieces of bread here and there. This is a great recipe to get rid of stale bread. Enjoy!
Toasts, stale 3 slices
Garlic salt 1 teaspoon
Italian seasoning ½ teaspoon
1. Preheat oven 300°F/150°C.
2. Cut the slices of toasts, then put the toasts into a fod processor or blender, pulse until fine.
3. Add the garlic salt and Italian seasoning into the crumbs, pulse a few more times to mix.
4. Spread the crumbs evenly onto a baking sheet, bake in the oven for 5-7 minutes. Let cool completely after baking, the store in air tight containers.
Serving: 1 cup