份量: 12 個
中筋麵粉 450 克
鹽 ½ 小匙
豬油 15 克
花生油 25 克
熱水,(80-100°C; 175-210°F) 225 克
冷水 30-50 克
1. 將中筋麵粉和鹽量入一中盆中,加入豬油和花生油,用手指頭將大塊的麵塊捏成小塊,到最後會剩下大約青豆大小的顆粒狀。
2. 一點一點倒入熱水,盡量用手將盆底乾乾的麵粉揉進麵團中,再加入足夠的冷水形成一個麵團。
3. 用手將麵團揉至平滑,約8-10分鐘,將麵團留在盆裡,蓋上濕布或是保鮮膜鬆弛30-40分鐘。
低筋麵粉 120 克
花生油 50 克
豬油 25 克
1. 在油鍋中加熱花生油和豬油到有點冒煙,倒入低筋麵粉炒香。
2. 轉中小火炒至油酥是淡金黃色。
3. 將油酥盛入碗中,放冰箱冷藏直到燒餅組合再拿出來,這樣油酥比較不會爆漿出來。
白芝蔴,炒過 ¼ 杯
1. 將醒好的麵皮麵團放到一個乾淨灑了手粉的台子上,多拍些手粉在麵團上。
2. 用桿麵棍將麵團桿開成一個約12 inx18 in (約30x50cm)的麵皮,將油酥均勻的抹在麵皮上,不要抹太靠近邊邊。
3. 從長向的那一邊牢牢捲起,然後用手將兩個邊邊捏緊避免油酥流出來,再用手掌將接縫捏牢。
4. 用一把小刀輕輕的在麵團上畫記號,將麵團分成12份,再用手把小麵團剪摘下來,把開口封牢,不要讓油酥留出來。
5. 將小麵團,封口朝上下,稍稍壓扁,用桿麵棍揉成長圓片,光滑麵在下,向中間像折信紙一樣折三折。
6. 將封口朝下,轉90°,再重覆一次揉開,翻過來讓光滑面朝下,想樣橫的中心有一條線,個把兩個短邊往中心線折,再從中心線對折,像折一本書一樣,叫書折。
7. 預熱烤箱350°F/180°C。麵團接口朝下,噴一些水在光滑面上,再把噴了水的那面,輕輕在一裝滿白芝蔴的碗裡壓一下,再將麵團放到灑了粉的平台上,芝蔴面朝上,用桿麵棍桿開成長方型,(書折的折縫對準長的那一邊),要是喜歡大片薄一點的燒餅可以夾油條,翻面再桿一兩下。將桿好的燒餅麵片放到鋪了烤盤紙的烤盤上,芝蔴面先朝下。
8. 進烤箱烤6分鐘,把烤盤拿出來,把燒餅翻面,再烤15-17分鐘到表面金黃出爐。
Sesame Bread Pockets
This is the most popular Chinese breakfast item for hundreds of years. It’s not that difficult to make. I love these bread pockets. I also eat roasted duck with them, too. Delish~
A Ingredients
All-purpose flour 450 g
Salt ½ teaspoon
Lard 15 g
Peanut oil 25 g
Hot water (80-100°C; 175-210°F) 225 g
Cold water 30-50 g
1. Measure the all purpose flour and salt into a mixing bowl, add lard and the peanut oil to the flour and break apart the lark into the flour using your fingertips until all the big chunks are broken.
2. Mix the hot water into the dough, a bit at a time, try to pick up all the loose flour at the bottom of the mixing bowl. Add enough cold water into the flour to make a dough.
3. Knead until smooth, cover with plastic wrap and let rest at room temp for 30-40 minutes.
B Ingredients
Cake flour 120 g
Peanut oil 50 g
Lard 25 g
1. Heat the peanut oil and lard in a frying pan until fragrant and lightly smoking.
2. Add the cake flour into the pan and cook until the raw flour smell is replaced by cooked flour smell and the color is light golden.
3. Scoop out the filling into a bowl. Place the bowl in frig until the dough is ready for assembling.
C Ingredients
White sesame, toasted ¼ cup
1. Put the dough onto a lightly floured surface. Sprinkle generously with flour to prevent sticking.
2. Roll the dough out into a 12x18 inch flat, spread the filling evenly onto the flat, leave a 1 inch edge at the sides empty.
3. Roll up the dough from the long side into an 18 inch log, sealing the opening by pinching the dough together as the dough roll up, then seal the two ends.
4. Mark the long dough log with the back of a knife into 12 equal portions. Snap each portions off with your hand, sealing the opening with your fingers.
5. Place the dough, sealing-point at the center, on a lightly floured surface, press down with palm, roll out into a long rectangle, smooth side down, fold towards the center like a letter.
6. Seal side down, turn 90 degree, roll the dough out to a long rectangle, turn the dough over so the smooth side is down, pick up the two short sides, fold towards the center, then fold the dough in half at the center, like a book, this is a book fold.
7. Preheat oven to 350°F/180°C. Seal side down, spray a bit of water onto the top side, then press the water side into the bowl with toasted sesame. Place the dough on a floured surface, sesame side up. Roll the dough into a long rectangle about 2x6 inches. Place onto a baking sheet lined with parchment paper, sesame side down. Repeat for the rest of the dough.
8. Bake in the oven for 6 minutes, remove the baking sheet, flip the pockets over, bake for an additional 15-17 minutes until puffy and slightly golden.
Serving: 12