份量: 約 2 打
高筋麵粉 1000 克
鹽 2 小匙
水 約 920 cc
1. 將高筋麵粉和鹽量入一大盆中,一手和麵一手加水,加到能夠形成一個濕軟黏手的麵團,再揉到均勻,不蓋休息30分鐘。
2. 30分鐘後,麵團應該是柔軟濕黏均勻,若抓一團拿到手上,會再滴回盆中,就可以擦潤餅皮了。
3. 加熱一個平鐵板,或是一個平底鍋,拿一張廚房用紙輕擦一點豬油或是沙拉油到鍋中,用手指頭輕點,試一下鍋夠不夠熱,會燙手指頭就是夠熱了。
4. 用手從盆中抓起一大團麵團,在手裡甩成圓型後,抹到鍋中成一張圓型的餅皮,再把麵團拉回手中,若餅皮邊緣翹起,就可以用小刀稍刮一下,整張翻面再烙幾秒鐘,就可以放到一個保溫盒中,重覆以上動作把麵團做完。
Springroll Wrapper
Bread flour 1000 g
Salt 2 teaspoon
Water around 3 ¾ cups
1. Place the bread flour and salt into a big mixing bowl, add half the water and knead until the dough is wet, add the remaining water to form a very soft and sticky dough, do not cover and let rest 30 minutes in room temperature.
2. After 30 minutes, the dough should be less sticky but smooth in texture. Grab a handful and it tends to drip back into the bowl, then it’s ready for cooking.
3. Heat up a flat Cast Iron board or a flat frying pan. Dip a sheet of kitchen towel into some cooking grease and very lightly oil the cooking surface. The cooking surface is ready when a finger feels hot while gracing the surface.
4. Grab a handful of dough from the mixing bowl, press the dough onto the cooking surface and draw a round to make a round tortilla, then quickly pull the rest of the dough back into hands. When the edge flips up, using a small pairing knife and fingers to flip the tortilla over, cook an additional few seconds, put into a tortilla warmer to keep warm.
Serving: 2 dozen