這是美式的平民小吃,最近萬物皆漲,油價尤其漲的來勢洶洶,愛亂跑的Bella只好省吃減用啦! 不過這不代表不可以把平民小吃做成五星級的美味,是的,Bella今天做的就是,五星級的平民小吃喔!!!
有一次,Patricia因為一直生病,錢賺的不多,就搬到一處很不好的住處,到處都是蟲蟻,晚上還冷個半死,那天我帶著自己做的吐司,跟著好友Raquel和弟弟John John 去幫她搬家,早餐大家就吃這個三明治,把所有的心酸,都吃進肚子裡,搬離那裡,一定有個好的開始~
有一次,在好友Raquel和我兩人感情都不順利時,在洛城市中心一棟全新華美,眺望全市美景的公寓,月租每月美金$5000 元,吃這平民小吃,互相訴苦,不久後,我們兩人都勇敢跳出,她兩年,我八年的愛情黑洞,重新找到生活的動力~
份量: 2 人份
吐司 4 塊
美乃滋 1 大匙
第戎芥末醬 2 小匙
瑞士起司片 2 塊
巧達起司絲 ¼ 杯
有鹽奶油,不退冰 1 大匙
1. 將吐司內兩面塗上美乃滋,和第戎芥末醬,夾 入瑞士起司片和巧達起司絲,蓋起來將奶油一杓杓塗到吐司外面,放入一平底鍋中煎,約2-3分鐘至金黃。
2. 再將奶油塗到另一面吐司上,煎至金黃後再翻面,等另一面也金黃後,就可以起鍋切兩半盛盤了,配上些蘋果片和牛奶,趁熱吃!!
Bella 五星級廚房相關食譜
烤起司三明治 日式豬排三明治
Grilled Cheese Sandwich
Grilled cheese sandwiches is a very economical way of making do with a meal. But being economical doesn’t mean this can’t be a five stars dish. Click on the film and see for yourself!!!
Toast 4 slices
Mayonnaise 1 tablespoon
Dijonmustard 2 teaspoon
Swiss cheese slices 2 slices
Cheddar cheese, shredded ¼ cup
Salted butter, chilled 1 tablespoon
1. Spread the toast with Mayonnaise andDijonmustard, then place the swiss cheese slices and shredded cheddar in and close the sandwich. Spread the salted butter onto the surface in blotches with a spreader, then place the buttered side onto a hot skillet, spread butter on the other side, then slowly grill to golden brown, around 2-3 minutes, flip, grill the other side, around 2 minutes.
2. Cut the sandwich in half, serve with sliced Gala Apples and milk, serve hot.
Servings: 2